849 BY - LAW NO. 849. To Change the Boundaries of Vienna High SChool District No. Passed 12" 'Jut:\e, J.9l4. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham has petitioned for an alteratioJ;} in the boundaries of Vienna High School Dist;-ict Num.ber one, by detaching therefrom the whole of School Section Number Two Of saic1 Township; AND WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to grant the prayer of said petition. The Elgin County Council enaots: THAT Sohool Section.Number Two of the Township of Bayham. as at present constituted by the By-Laws of said Township be and is hereby detached from the Vienna High School Distri Number One, subject to the provisions of The High Sohools Ac THAT By-Law No. 240 be amended accordingly. County CoUtJoi1 Chambers; St. Thomas, 12" June, 1914. , (IJ~/~ i) CoUtJty Clerk. Warden. .