858 '\ , /, i , , I I BY ... LAW NO. 858. To J~ise the Sum o~ Twelve Thousand Dollars to Provide for the Cost of Bridges to be Erected During the Year 1915, and to Authorize the Issuing of Debentures Therefor, Passed 1st. June 1915 V¡:¡TEREAS it ,Is neoessary to raise the sum of' Twelve Thousand Dollars, f'qr the purpose Ib~ providing for the cost of bridges to be erected in the Oounty of'E1gin during the year- 1915 and in order thereto, it will be necessary to issue debentures of the Munioipalityof the Oounty of Elgin for the sum of twelve 'l'housand Dollar¡¡, payable a¡¡ hereinaf'ter provided; AN!) WHEREASI it will be requisite to raise th6 sum of One Thousand J;1'ive Hundred and Ninety-two Dollars and One Oent eaoh year, respeotively; ANDW1!J~lìJJAS the amount of the whôle rateable pr'operty of' the Municipality according to the last Revised and Equalizes Assessment Rolls of the local Municipalities cqmprising.th6 Oounty of El~in amounts to Twenty-'l'hree Millions, Two Hundred and Eighty-eight Thousand, 'Three Hundred Q.nd 11'.ift.e6n Dollars (~'23,288, 315. 00); AND vnIEREAS the existing debenture debt of the County of ElgiJ is Thirty-five Thousand, Q.nd Five Doll~r8 and Sixty..five O.ent: and noaJJ1'punt of ths]Jrihcipal sum Or' interest is .in arreQ,r's; ,. THEREFORE the Municipal Oouncil of the CorpoRation of the Oou: of Elgin .enaots as f'o11ows: (10 Tt shall b.e lawful f'or the Warden of the said County of' Elgin for t.he purpose Q.f'oresaid, to borrow tl1e sum of' Twel ThouSand DollQ.rs, Q.nd to issue debentures of said. MunicÙ'Jalit to th.e amount of' Twelve "Thousand Dollars, in sums not less th One Hundred Dollars each, payable on the first dQ.Y of July in ~:t:ùL--¿ Oounty 01erk. aúy ~,,~t/ Warden. Oounty Oouncil0hamber, St. Thomas, 1st June, 1916. , · , · , 1 2 3 4 5 ð '7 8 9 10 · , · , , I , · I , , I 1916 InrI 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 I .1 I · , · I · · · I · · I $ 932.01 983.. 27 1037.35 1094.41 1154.60 nns.ll 1285.10 1355.78 14~50.36 1509.02 ~ì12ÔOO. 00 I , , , I , , , , j , . I , , , $ $ 660.00 608.74 554.66 497.60 437.41 37:).90 30th 91 236.23 161.66 82.99 - 3920.10 · , I · , , , , , , , , , , , I $ - $ 15920 .10 1592.01 1592.01 1592.01 1592.01 1692.01 1592.01 1592.01." l!592.01P:\~ 1592.01'"'" 1592.01 , · , , Principal I . Interest , · Total No. Yeår. SOHEDULE. following schedule :. . debt. as the same b.ecome röapectively payable, according to tJ .installments of principal &1d interest accruing due on the sa: 1cipali ty, said amount being sufficient to discharge the seve: Oent by special rate on all rateable property in the sald mun· of One ThOUS1:1.1"ld. (3 ) There shall be raised and !1'ive Hundred and Ninety..two Dollars levied in each year the S' and One . said municipality to the said debentures. is hereby authorized and instructed to attach the seal of the of the said municipality, and the Olerk of the said munioipal þ.. interest coupons attached thereto, to be signed by the Treasu hereby authorized to be issued, sign and to and cause the same and the and hais hereby authoriZed (2 It shall be lawful for the to issue Warden of the áaid munic the debentures ) sohedule hereinafter contained. debenturest in the manner and for the amounts set forth in th' , ;j'jì"',~ during eaoh year with interest at five and one-half per cent per anru the period of' ten years f'rom the date of issuing of thl cøS!l:qJlc . 2f;;¿:;/¿ Ç;;d: ¿; , v. ;t.(f¡~{//,¿ ~t :r¿/ '?ó JCC- o;u/[,)'/ ~ $;0 ¡; qz wf!c:/~ "" SUCCEEDING ; UY,ØJ .(M't?t/,_,JM2Y;,C¡Y ';}ana_..,,; 9f I::~ ø' cø; '}!t Yt:d!lf Z q;: '~!:!,!,:/'(( UV'lV <-;oan;;r:pnø.yø#t4':?,d ,rm'91?ø;r: = _je/tÆ~ r:: t·· ~;// l 'V/'e(;YF¿;, '~Y;;;//kj¡f;J«, rý{oØl#%n;:¡k-rl//i/! !ih/~uNèJt ~¡tI-'.\.-tø:fu\;$' -¡tt:-%¡Ü~. ..:zz,. '2t-()ute4áH/._~a)Þkrl';ff(mz?rI.-f!!7'Ce~ tJJt JfeY/ ,'};,'/ffSc:- 22· /: 7}' /¿:& ~-'I ~/£v 'o'/-_/_re.er¡ ST. THOMAS, March 19th,J..9l5. ONTARIO. K. W. McKay, :1!bqr., Clerk County of Elgin, Court House, .. City. Dear Sir,- . RLN:.ia.YL -ª5'Ji Refs't'X'ing to your lett61' of the 8th of February and the !10PY of the By-law whi!1Ì1. you en'31osed. therewith. In my ·opinion it 19 not noce3sary to publish the By-law (see Section 290-9uo-geo 2~ whi~~ only seema to require publioation of the day aJ):pointed for the meeting called to consider the By-law). I 6MloS8 herewith what ih my jud.gment i3 a suffioient notice under the seotion refe't'X'ed to. Iam dispo'!ed to think Section 29:6 would a);}þly to this By-law as it iato all !1ontents and PU!'P013eS a money By-law. While you have not requested me to r6vise the By-law I would 1Tenture to suggest t.hat the third' clause be struck out and the following inaer'bed, II And Whereas the amount of the whole rateable IJ'r'operty of the MunirJipal1ty aC!1or<liJig to the lW3t Re1Tiaed and Equalized Aaaes~~~~13 of the Looal }IDlnioipality comprising the Count ,;Elgin amounts to $23,288,315." See Section 283-(b). SUCCEEDJNG !if: ¿-£ . Cf} - .J;~J;n_ [7- ,.ø-eCY/'/..;. ~,t;¡''1'hd;~~¥-<tt- J[!ít.4t. K. W .__MCJ\.!OC.. }&.~t:..._..._~ ..','., paragral II .And. nc See Sect gent me. ST. THOMAS. March ONTARIO. ,,oJaF. /' "øÜI)?ünu-,/,(?V - C/;ir<L /c;;1 ,oJ,ç(.i? / ,ßt&:J}jp'ÚJJ't??V ,'Y¿¡aAwq/'}'/' ('j.r:f/Naaa; G17,Ç /4 (ß /(a· ($ 0/t&:;t¿'((/Ü'i(!Y/l/~?'a¡l/?Nd/'_-7WVW!7J{j{}'çÆill 1«#1/1/( ú/7cr' . /',:.1 . ? . C' C: ~J'íit'./otPnJ¡ff~ rf?:.fdltflJYrJtry:;{,(I4U:? ~U4U(/Ú~Æ: :¡Z~~anølta'N/.,q¡fln46¡11t{?n?/;YÚJ:ræ-: {J}¡P ,e/ ,(V . (4 r{jy-u;& .5c?.40(d;¡fot:-?h~l/t- Elgin.