859 r.(ry County Clerk CfL¡ 9nl-~ Warden. 4f' County Council Chambers. .June . 1915 St Thomas. Judge , at ion of the assessment , in case of appeal Hling , made by the Counj final equaliz- 2. 'rhat this Councn i s Vi,r to have ~~ . 288.315 the . Aldborough. Dunwioh..,.., . Southwold. . . Yarmouth. . . . Malahide.... " ß3aY~lam.. .e .. .. ., ., ., South Dorchester 'Aylmer.. .. ., . . . Dutton.., ,... .. Port Stanley Spr'ingfield Vienna... eO ROdney,.. . West I,orne . . . . ¿:¡., ijj> 23 2,97'7.254 3,198,254 3,840.267 4.64;1.,657 2.839.810 1,909.513 1.67,-3,552 973.819 330 , 5~34 218.89:;\ 1¿J,4,660 99,707 218,772 216, 683 1 r Jlls of the That the County t'ollowing b.e the of Elgin for , equalization 1915 The Elg:Ln County C01mcil enaots of' the assessment Passed 4" June 19 1 5 , To Confirm the County of Equal i zation Elgin of the Assessment Rolls of the BY LAW NO 859