862 (3 ) ( 1 2) ) BY LAW NO.862. To Grant ,I1.dditional Aid to Schools. Passed 4" June 1915 The Oounty OouBcil of Elgin enacts : That the sum of One Thousa,nd Six Hundred and Twenty"-:fiv Dollars be granted to the following schools : Aylmer Oo1l0giate Institute.......... ..~¡ 65.0.00 Dutton High School.... <1.. ..... .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. 650.00 Vienna High SOhool...".... Ii .... Ii;,.... ,'... ~'32,5,.QO ---..-.-- $ 152.5. OÖ . That the St. Thomas OO1l0giat0 Institute b0 granted an amount equiva,10nt totw0nty percent of the cost of maintan... ance of OoUtJty pupils. '['hat the grants to Ccmtinuation and FifthOlass Schools be made on the be,sis of' ·two dollars and one-half to each doll granted by tt16 Government. Oounty Council Ohampers, St Thomas. 4" June, 1915. ~¿a....r ~ Jne~ Oounty Clerk Warden.