BY LAW NO. 863
To Fix the Salary of the Clerk of the County Counoil To
Repeal By-Laws 458. 587 and 777 and to Amend By-Law 368.
Passed 4" JUtJe, 1915.
The Elgin County Counoil enacts .
(1 ) That By-Laws 458. 587 and 777 be and the same are hereby
(2 ) That the salary of K. W. MoKay, County Olerk, be and
the same is hereby f'ixed at the sum of Nine Hllndred Dollars
per annum and an allowanoe for attendanoe at meetings of
CJounoil and oommittees the same as is paid to members of
tho CouncE.
(3 ) That By-Law Number 368 be and the 'same is hereby amended
(4) That this By-Law shall t<¡ke effect as from the first
day of June. 1915.
Sounty Counoil Chambers. St. Thomas.
4u June. 1915.
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County Cler],. Warden,