865 BY - LAW NO. 865 To Grant a Gratuity to John MoOausland on his Retirement from Office as 00unty Tre¡¡),surer. Passed 4" JUtJe. 1915, WHEHJ~AS J'olm McOausland was appointeâ. Oounty Treasurer on the 6th day of JUly. 1[381, and. has now become incapable through illness and old age ibfl efficiently discharging the duties of his off ice. AND WHEREAS his succ~ssor has been appointed and it is desirable to make him a grant upon his ceasing to hold office, The Oounty Oouncil of Eìgin enacts : THA'r John Mc08,usland be and is hereby granted the follo\l'ihg amounts to be paid monthly commencing with the month of June. 1915 : l~or the year ending 1 s t of June. 1916 - ~ß 900,00 " " " " 1st " " 191'1 - 700,00 " " " ff,f: 1st " " 1918 - 500.00 Oounty Oouncil Chambers, St. ~lhomas, 4" June. 1915. .~ ..æ--.7C ';1' ~ C)Þl ~.~. . OOl;lnty Olerk Warden