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868 P 1d í1 , I j ) -f I I BY-TJAW NO 868 To Appoìnt Hit':;h School Trustees. Passed 29 ,Tanual'y ,1916. The Elgin County Council enacts : THAT. Albert Wallington be appoìnted ~rustee of'the ViEJnnå High School f'or three years. THAT A.H. Backhouse be appointed 'rrustee of' the Aylmer dollegìa te Institute f'or three years. THAT A. E. Roberts be appointed Trustee of' the Dutton Hìl.'Ì1 School for three years. oountyCouncìl dhambers,. st. Thomas, 29th January, 1916 ~<~. þ.:;z-:.~ (Jounty Olerk.) Warden.