871 BY LAW NO 871 To Authorize the WClrden and Treasurer te Berrow the Bum of Twenty Thoue,and Do1htr'u. Paused ~,391t ,January, 191(3, TEE IDlgin County Council e!wots : 'r!IAT the WClrden and TreClsurer be Clnd are hereby authorized J to borrow tho Sum of Twenty Thousand D011ars,as me,y' be requil'ed to meet the current expenditures of the dorporCltion of Elgin dur:i.ng 1916, and give as secutJitytherefor notes .of One ThousClnd Do11C1rs each. Gounty OoUtJci1 ChClmbers,St Thoma s , 29" J,anuClry, 1916; ~~ ~........ -&~ fF·~ --- , , COUtJty Clerk. Warden.