BY - LAW NO. 873.
To Grant Aid t,o the OanadianPatriotic Fund.
Passed 29" ,TanuB,ry, 1916,
PM åound:y OoUnoil of the Oounty of Elgin enaots:
1'HAT the sµm of One Thousapd .Five HUtJdred Dollars a month
be paid to the Oanadian Patriotic Fund .during; the year 1918
THAT the said payments commence wilhh the month of January
AND THAT the Oounty Treasurer þø a.nd is hereby authorized
to pay the same on the order of the Warden.
Oounty Oounoil dhambers, St. Thqmas, 29 Jaliu.ary, Ine.
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CountyClE~rk. Warden