873 BY - LAW NO. 873. To Grant Aid t,o the OanadianPatriotic Fund. Passed 29" ,TanuB,ry, 1916, PM åound:y OoUnoil of the Oounty of Elgin enaots: 1'HAT the sµm of One Thousapd .Five HUtJdred Dollars a month be paid to the Oanadian Patriotic Fund .during; the year 1918 THAT the said payments commence wilhh the month of January 1916; AND THAT the Oounty Treasurer þø a.nd is hereby authorized to pay the same on the order of the Warden. Oounty Oounoil dhambers, St. Thqmas, 29 Jaliu.ary, Ine. ..~ ~¿--y- ¿þf-7:-~ --, CountyClE~rk. Warden