BY-LAW NO, 879.
To Grant Additional Aid to Schools.
Passed 9th, June, 1916.
The Elgin Oounty Counci.l enacts:
(1 ) That the sum of One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty-
B'ive Dollars be granted to the following schools:
Aylmer Oollegiate Institute.......$ 650.00
Dutton High SchooloD . " " " . " " . . " " . . " " 650.00
Vienna High School.~............... 3;35.00
(2) That the St. Thomas Oollegiate Institute be granted
an amount equivalent to twentý per cent of the cost of
maintenance of Oounty pupils,
(3 ) That the grants to Oontinu8,tion and F'if'th Class School
be made on the basis of two dollars and one-half to each
dollar granted by the Government.
Oounty Oouncil Ohamber's, St Thomas, 9th June, 1916.
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Oounty Clerk Warden.