882 __--;lt~.~~~~¿ "/' Clerk County C@Ul1ty -, vounc i 1 Chambor St Thomas, Warden. ~.7"~ 9th JUne, 1916. and are hereby repealed THAT and Twenty"'D'ive Dollars for postage, travelling expenses. all By-Laws in this respect heretofore passed be telephones and THAT the Po Lice Magi.strate be paid the sum of One Hundred per annum, payable quarterly be THA'.r and i8 the salary of hereby fixed lí'ra,nciB a t the BUla Hu..Yl t, County Polioe of fJix Hundred Dollars MagiBtrate The Elgin County Counoil enaets Passed 9th June, 1916. fl10 Irix Salary of BY-LAW the County NO. 882. polioe Magis·trate.