888 BY-LAW NO. 888 To Grant Aid to the Canadian Patriotic Fund. . Passed 26th January, 1917. WHEREAS application has been made to this Council for a Grant for the purposes of the Canadian Patriotic Fund for 1917. AND WHEREAS on the 29th day of January, 1915, this Council passed By-Law No. 857, granting the sum of One Thousand Dollars per month during the continuance of' the War. AND WHEREAS this Council ha.s decided tha.t the total grant for the year 1917, for tl~purposes of the Fund shall be Fif'ty-Four Thousand Dollars. The Oounty Council of the Oounty of Elgin therefore enacts: THAT the sum'of Forty-Two Thousand Dollars be and is hereby granted to the Canadian Patriotic Fund for the year 1917; said amount to be paid as rsquired on the order of the Warden. THAT By-Law No. 884 be and, is hereby repealed. County Oouncil Chambers, st. Thomas, 26th January, 1917. -7¿-;-út-....~~~ 7}z( )11~ '. - '---- ./ / County Olerk. / . Warden.