897 .....-, ,,~ BY' - LAW NO. 897. 1.:)('11'1g a By~LloJ.w of t.he Oounty oj:' Elgin with Høspact to HighW",y Improvoment. P,~øßot1 10t,hJuly, 1917. W1ŒIUBA,H by¡:m 'Mt of'< thøLegiø'.e.t11reof' the Pl'ovin(jo 01:' prl't,¡¡,l'ioßr1t,itlod "An Aot rOl' tho ImprQvement or Pub 1:1.0. Wl.ghW'<oJ.¡rs," Hev:1.sod statuteßof' Orl'ta.r:l.o, 1014, Ghapt,ør 40, authOl':t.t,y ia g:1.,,<Jjrl to th~.OOt,U1(1il· of' ami" oounty t,()Ð.dopta plan i'or thfl imJ;¡¡?ov¡:)!J!~'nt Òt')~l:tg)~i\\T~YI3 throughout the oounty b ass'w:n1ng; higJ:'JV;¡~ya in any raunio:t.päl:1t;¥HJ to be thül'ae,f'tor cçnr"tructell<.1.nd fna1ntMnad by tho Oorpöl'fJ.tloJ1 of' tho Oounty. A~m WHE1ŒAßth!) bounty CounoU of the Oounty of' ¡Ug1n (\I.H)ma it !lacesse,Vi{ amI (3Xpe(~¡E)l'It to a<1oJ?ta planfoJ:' tl1ø 1rLlþrt\v$tJtøn1. oot' ·cørta1!1 high\!1a'Y\ìl·:1nø¡·~a1' ~at, tMooÜnty .may iwa,itit,t¡Øl..f' oi? th(~b""'H,!':itH öf' tho !JI.t1d Aot. ¡¡oW t.ho:!'! fo1'et.he OouncH of. the OO:r.PO'N~t:ton of the Oouhty of' l£l¡;íit¡ l~mtctu f).(JJ t"OnO~VfH~ h 'rho Ì!wlforl~l ï'öMa and highW(;\~rs doscr:lbed and sat :('01'1 1n 1¡0110<1u10 "An h,'¡rëit,o annø:ø:ed ¡1,nd.:f?ol'ming iba.iíì't of'th'd!l3 By-L,a.V al"'eh/f:!,('by daa;L¡¡;nated and ,Ù;¡¡3umÓtl as CO'lxni:,y Hoads, to be ".... :..: ·/1 :'/.m:pl'ov€!ét I~nd ml~i!1ta1nM m,1dor' tllQ provla1ons of' t,hø said '. Hi¡;'h\~ay ;rmprovemen~ Aot,~ '''YJd.. t1.mandm~;nts t;hf}X"iJtQ. 2. Th~, said hi¿b'J.wa~h.n be C\ùn.st;lIot(~d, impl?Oved and -'",,,,,,.",,p' maintain$d in aocot'dtMJC,} with 11.13. )rov~.a:l:()pø and røgulfttiofm P!'0UC1"11)od by t,he a!t:l.d Hig!¡way Im):}roVf;ment Aot. 3 .'l~h~} work 01"., conatruc t.ion 01' h;!.ghwaya other thanbridg åh¡:¡.11 not be COplI1ìOnCEJ(l \J11ti1 ona Yê¡a.l' 1",r.tG!' pe!~ce has bG(~J1 deola.X'!J>d in Ì)ø1,V/oan Great Britain arid Gar¡mmy. Tho OO!lfJtl"\"<Ìt:lm1 Vim,!, aJ:1.I111 bø start,\,d in eilJ,ch '.1'ownah:î.p wh(~r() deli!Ji~:nu;ted by t}le Townahip GOUilCil .md propoX'Uol'1ate ,_......-__"._~.,,~ØN'" _,.:",:,~~;.,".~,,;~,,;, -2- mil~age sllall be construoted in eaoh Township,~ar1y. ~""-'-''"'"'''' 4. The work of maintenanoe to be o6mmenoad as soon as praoticable after the coIit1ng. into for(Jë oftiB.iaBy..Law. 5. The County 00uno.11 may from Hme to t1mf'j by By_Law mak~ !>u(}hgranta as ml'J.Y be neoessa~y and equitable for the ........~.,,~..~.. improvement of highways or portions of highways in Villagés or towns, arid whioh a.re åxtensions of orformdlre6t connèòtj -Ø"-''''"' between different porÚonS of county roads, but t:hè<tÓtala:m< of such. grants to any village or town shall note:¡¡:oeed th(J S1- ; '.' '·.·.1 of the Provinoial grant thereon and the taxation paid by suo] urban munioipalities under this By~LaW. 6.. The QoUtJty Oounoil shall have authority t9 raisee,nd expend on highway oonstruotion under this By-Law and in purs' :" .. : . '..' ...., ':'':'' .,.:""'.\ ..'.': of the terms of theij:ighway Improvement Aot, suoh sums aß ma: neoessary to oompJ.eta the oonstruotion Ofthedesign¿.ted'syø of oounty roads, in Md1 tion to suoh amounts as may be requi for repairB apdrnaintenal1.oe, and for whichþurposes sUPPlém~ \ By-l,aws may from time to time be introduced and passed bY' tJ:\ . oounty ooUtJciJ.J;.. ,~ \,\ 7. To meet the annual eapenditure on repair, maintel1.aho , . ;\ and oon.struction under this. By-Law, thére shall be applieð.ia Provinoial subsidy or subsidies available Wlder this Aòt, ~n any fur.ther sum or sums required rnay be raised by gener!!,l co ( , rate, in !!'ooordanoe with .the provisions of the Municipal Ac'~ ; '1.\ the Highw!!,yImprovem(Jnt Aot, and as may be determined by supplementary B~-Laws. 8. All grants from the Province 1-mder the Highway Improvement Aot shall be expended é6laly upon the system· of r ~, reg'Ularlyasàumed and approved as COUtJty Roads under the sa:! 9.. Should it be found, in oarrying out the plan for improvement herein provided, that a greater expenditu.l"6 is neoessary in any tovmship,ö:r townships th¡J,n should equitabl~ be a oharge upon the oounty as å whole, theO·o1J..Yloil of the L... CoUtJty may, by supplementary By-Law, oounoil of suoh townsnip of townships Minister ot' l'ublio Vlo.rks for OntariO, be levied upçm suoh township or tpwn~hip¡s .to meet excess '.' ""'" "'.' ,..... .... . '.' I expenditure; but the cost of' any bridge which is a county bride unð.er the terms of the MUtJioipai Act, shall not be treated in this manner. 10. The By-Law shall oome into foroe when approved by the Lieutenant. Governor-:-in-:íJounoil in accordanoe )ill"ith section 12 of the e&'¡ì;d Highway Improvement Act. st. Thomas, 10th July, 1917. ~¿=Y ?~~ H ~'. . '. .. .'-.J "") County Clerk. ., () east.er:j.y TownUné . limi t of' road Petween lots (3 and ., to the Southwold .. ~? ..." ,Ii\ ~l'¥ The road Pet.ween the oonoessions7 and 8 from the ,.,.-," the said portion of' said road the a}ld l3( to within the limit of'the Village of. DU1 being ....,,'Th t2'_etween between lots 12 and the ) thence north . Ri-wer Willey Bridge OW Thames exo 3S () ~) 1/ late 12 and 13 in eighth conoession ¡.L··~ ..,..}\'" between lots 10 and :1.1 in oonoession 10 ) to the Ourrie R< '.' :') 'I". ~ e.Cjheroad oommencing (in the north limit of' the lake ro Township of Dunwich. /)'-1- ,J .) v ~urnival Road Road between Graham to Road '\ Concessions l2ÞM .- 7 · The 1~1 and from ..3rJ"ì . () c) A"' to the Western Townline. The .Ro¡¡,d between Oo.noessions 7 and 8 from FurnivalRo¡¡" (/'J I .¿~ 6 2 and 3. 5. The to Furnival · Ro¡¡,d between Ro¡¡,d. Conoessions 2 and 3 from Henry Road " '-' ¡,..' ~ The Henry Road from River to Roml , Townl1ne to .-~ r .3. The 12. and :1:3 to 4 · between Oonoessions ~< the Road between Oonoessions2 and 3. (> II' ,b 2. 1. The The Furnival ,Stl..~.,,¡.~~. ~"rt.í!n {~;., ..~ , ........ f'rom to River.. ~~#, ""","v,.-'I..'·, (:.1t:-,-,....~'.¿~;;~~"~~{;;~~~"\~";,. .j':-.~;t..,.(,.,..~~\.~~.~.'.i,1 t~·:·,.·~~;~.i,1;,:~:'~~~~> ' Road between 'conce-ssions ïrã,ñd:'¡j :h;;~iíï^th6 eastern ,...""-- ,;.t,... ,'¡'" .'. 'Ø""'''''' . (":_ I ~ ttN),,,,~":'~~w ~'''' F'urnival"'Road. $;:=::';.... ~"''''.,!..i, ~ 4'.,·'1,·1. ·Z,;".,..." the 0rapl;J,mRpad Road from· the ròad between Oonoessions Ea["le the '.J:ownehip öfAlâ.borough. , ¡¡,nl'1exed to By-l.¡¡,w No . 897 of' the Còimty of' Elgin- Rb¡¡,ds provisions designated Highway of the Improvement Act. t.o'he· f'orming assume&for improvement Under the part òf and , SOijEDUl.E ·'An ~ lin¡:ì ~~ thE) Union '7 in and Hoad along south a northerly ø ide xl" 'I'e,lbot t.he Ihait of' the Lalte HQad between lots (3 en , 'ò ."o.....~' ., / ø"" .r:~) d,il'OOt. ~o..."n, to, t ., .V,!11Jn~'}l.1dland l!X'omth.. e (' , ",~}1_r{\i-ü:: i: '".f) j'V'll, 1!c,(,>tUf( ,;r'~r'1ft:i"t,q t-t-(,((;f, road áJ.ongj\ the eo1ith 1 ;lm:tt Of the', lotßon stt"¡}et to the Yarmouth ToWn 19 [' A. }'rom thé nor'th o south lB. Ii'rom M.C.H. loig.ht-of'-way ¡',deif'.,, ¿"q,? b 7 ì t () T'aod¡) irtX'earo:r,..the. lö,t·e South in Gheddotl of . the' ':Palbot through Pinga:l,thenc ROf~d,. ~,~ ~,z ",/.0 t? / -:J' v along; :t"()ad between lots. ~35 and 26. ..,)' }().o () ¡r in tho second in SouthwOld] Q....! .. (}Onoessio~(!.rwnee south~n'ly irtöluding ""6 &·the to . the Ba.olr Street and third o'OJ1(~ asalone Umit of lot 1 J;> ¿, /..~,;,h.;:! I o .' :..... north 01' r.:Á L~'he Iona ßtation to and Dunwioh an<i Southwol<i from the road secor¡¡ ., j -1', '~""",..~';i 17. 'l'ownline between 13-/.l'/ f (:lO (1' <.> v r: A- 16. Llhe Baok! [" 'ß an,d !he I,<:)l'1don and Port Btreetf'rom S't.¡:t1lley road Nt,...,,_, the bunwieh TownUne to Talbotville .- to St. Thomas. ""J" /t 'j) 1/." (? I,) ßt. Thor.m.ø. Road from the Dunwioh Townline to the C 1t.yof 15. Talbot Township of' Southwold. a ;¡¡~.. ..6 Þð"",J~), " in ,Jouthwold. at road. betweon Towl11in6 between Dumdoh 00110e8610ns1\ and f'j,ve south of' A and fJouthwold to 'rUbot Road I) omme!w ing 14. ':1'11e ";¡ ") ~,. ,." l <J,..> ¡../ tlle Southwold Townline. 13. the line The of' thø OoX'povation of the Village of Dutt.on of' A eaf:!torly to I? ';' l,} road between t'ivo!'lorth 01" , oomH,ssions A and f'ive øouth f'rom .' conoeSl3io11s A and A, to the River Thames. betwe between lots 12 and 15 to ~ 7t;; ~ /.~ r. ~'». 12 between . The r.oad tho Iota a and 7 from road the Bouthwold '1.'own11ne. vø 4.-0<- :"~ '~,. 'I,. between 4 f'.röm the roac a-.....(,)~ ~/..d j. '~ '7\;",,';1' II' 11. 'I'M road en tho Gore and ooncession .;(/ <,. ,-) '" the'nee east to t1;6 Village of Dutton. o it t.he .Aldböl'o1.\gh 'l'ownH.ne east to the old OurrioRoad on ooncessions A and five north of A from lot 11, 10. The re.ad betweèn ....,2... -3·,.;: 10wna4ip of Yarmouth. 20.1\11 of t,he London and POJ~t St.anley Road 1'1'0111 ~?è(-<,u.t ¡j.c) st, Thomas to Po~.J.~o-.(t9.œ-,,¿~,).",,~<;l , (ú l> 21. J"ro¡¡¡ KaiYu) Bridge weBt,t6 Bouthwold '~'dwn1ine,; ~ 'c (.v') 22·0he Townline between Yarmouth and SoUthwold, north Of' .. ·13 .. ... gt. Th0l1111i3,Gp to a.nd inoluding tho road f'rom th(:> 1'ownline to ".~ ·b'Í".P ¡) St. George Street Bridge. 23. Talbot Stree~ from St. Thomas to the Malahide Townline ~ $0 of) ~ ... .' J1.... ,. ., 24. l~rom Union, between the¡ third and. fourth oonoessions t ,.<. ',. / Sparta, being éast limit o~ road between lots Bland 22 in the )¡3¿;f!.u () . It" third oqnoeaåion. 25. From:t.he Talbot Hoad bet.woon the lot13 10 and 11 in the ", s6"Venthand eighth eonmmsion13 and between the sixth and sev-ent: oOncessions to and including J:'oad between Iota l4.and. 15 in the ßixth oonoession. ¡",. 8th l~rom the Sparta. Road to th(~ Lak(, noêJ.ð. between lots 14 !;il', and 15 in the'first ooncession. .) ~J7. The La,]w Road in the f'irM cOnoession east to Malahide , . ::> ¡ 'l'ôwnH:r¡¡¡. ¡:::~')~;;' r 28. ;;'ron:¡ the. !10~'th boundary of' St. Thomas, between Iota 5 , 11{1I·0 and' 6 in the riintb. concession, and l'ange south of the Ed.geware /. " i) Roe.d t,oand j,nclurl1ng 1'011(1 be~wééii lota.8 and 9 in the. range ·2 "\ ß9uth a.nd £'il'st and second r.·/),ngos north o.f thE¡ mdgew/),roRoacl, , .tJ:1e tenth .and ele"Vonth. oOnCHMòf3ions. ,_, ',., 29. t!~ø mdgewarø Road f'rom road l)otween,lota $ and 9 ~iJand t...' Q!"::¡ \" :tnclu(H.ng thø road betw,Hm lotø 12 and 13, in the f'irst and seconl , . G ¿ . I"''' r~\nges north) the t'ønth and eleventh oonceßsion<L!to and il1cludin , thf, l'o.<td between t,he eleVfJnth and twelfth conoessions to thß Dorohester 'i'ownline. -4- 30, From the New Sarum on Talbot Road between lots 20 and 21, north to Belmont. ~A 31.1The road betWeen lots 18 and 19 in the, eighth .., ,·,I~ 'ß'I.rJD /..~' (}Oho(,¡s8~andtEoadbetweeYl the seventh a,nrJ. eighth oonoE)es:!.o: it to the ,centre of' 10t:30 and southerly to road bétween lots 2 :z I ;2, ,e;. D " and 22 in )f)he seventh concession, and south to thé north1:lmi of' the road between the fifth and sixth conoessione. Township of Malahide. "'~( 32. Talbot Road from East to West except through the Ii ~."" ,::), ,,,a ) "t¡:i.JU:$ b" Town of 'Aylmer" "1 ",.,~I'" 33. Road between lots 10 and 11 from Dorol1êster 1- 1~ 'i't) o·p" Townline tooopenhagen (exoept AylmeI')....., (.,;,'" . ·r , ~'Ir"" ¡ '.. 34. The road between lots 20 and 21, fJ:'om Springfield -¡,/ l-~-' 1 ine , south· through g.-a. and.· part of' the '7thoOl1o,ession and IX lÇh thonoe in awoster1y and southerly direotion to Aylmer. 35. Road i'rom '¡'albot Road, South to Istooncession /Ø'" .' betweer¡ lots 2Qß,nd 21. rl" , 3ß. oad between oonoessions 2 and 3 from road between Ie ~':I . --4·.. l'. 20 and 21 to the 13ay:tw.m ToWnl1ni!anc{southa1ong'J,'ownlineto /4 I, r:J () v 1st concession road. 3'? Road betvi('¡sn conoessions 4 and 5 from road betweet¡ 3·'l)~,·$"· q O·""lots 20 and .21 east to 13ayham TownJ.:lne. 38. ThE) Lake Roâ.d from Oopenhagen east to road between 10 "'I () :;>;>20 and 21. ~. ..,. '.' ..\¡; .;.¡....... ~ l ,,) c,' - -i';:;': Township of' Bayham. . /., /,t? ' t~" 39. The O:J.d P:Lank Road from Port Burwell, to Acacia exes: ;;", . : i .;/", , t.hl·Qugh t.he 'Jil1alreot: ]ZienÚa. 40.:1.'h6 1st Ooncessi.en t'rom Malahide Town1.tne to Port J e>T) C>i;¡ p' Burwell. 41. Tâlbot HOad across the Township. "--- ~- ~:Þf.:J ¡P " 42. The 1)'orge· Road Which rUns in a North Easterly course .~ ";\,~'() @ ,~~. {~f ~>'"'" ~j,oross the North pa!'t of' the Township from the Malah:lde TownH: TOwnship of' South DorChestø:i:', 43. F'romMiddleaex ßounty Hne between lots :5 a.nd 4 south t, 7:2-· ~>,~ to rOS,d b(~twee11 the tenth and eleventh conoessions. 44-, Road bet\,{fJ6n lots è and 7 in the 11th and 12th, Oonoess f.,outh to village ot' Spr:tngf:'ield. . 4,[). Road bet.ween Iota ltJ a.nd 13 fl'om Malah:J.de T\1Iwn1:i.ne I ,:.' ',I {"I nOrth to Mid(llese,x county lin6, 46. nqg>,cl between lots 18 and I? :t'l'om road between the 10th ¡¡,nd 11th dOnoeSf3io!1ß to south limit. ot' x·olJ.ð. between the 7th and " 8th OO):1(JesBimu1. 47.. Road :f'rotnEast TOVfnline a.long T'oa-d betwe~¡n oono$sa10na yet :'?"") :;/;0 a.nd 11 to roa.d between lote 18 and 19, \,...... . , '.,.;.¡;J, '" ,~,,,,, '"~- 48. Road f'rom West Tov1nliIw along )·OIJ.d between 10th a.nd llti If) ( , ¡) 0 concessions to road between lots 18 and 19,,· - ^ ~-é ~fh"¿ ....... ~ · . Warden, OOUnt.y Clerk. - ~