899 -------........ t-·--- I ~ I',·· '\ . ,; I I~ BY LAW NO. 899. To Appoint a County Road Superintendent. Passed 18th september, 1917. The County Councilor the County or Elgin enacts THAT Qeorge Frank Pineo be ánd is hereby appointed Superintendent or the County Roads in the County or Elgin, to perform 8,11 the duties required of him by the Highway Improvement Act and the By-Laws and \ resolutions of this CoUtJcil. THAT the salary or the. Superintendent be One Thousand Dollars pe'r annum, payable monthly, THAT the said Superintendent be supWlied with an automobile and paid his travelling and other expenses while engaged in the performance of his duties. THAT all accounts for expenses 'þ;¡ be paid on the order 01 the County Road Committee. County 001IDC,il Ohambers, St. Thomas 18th September,1917. /;t ~~_?< ? W1'~ /~ . =---y " oounty Clerk .. .. Warden.