910 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 910 "TO DESIGNATE ROADS AND STREETS IN VILLAGES AND TOWN." Passed 25th January 1918 The Elgin County Council enacts: That the following streets in the villages and town in the County of Elgin which are extensions of or connections between different portions of County Roads be designated, under the Highway Improvement Act, Section 5, S.S. (2) (a), for improvement in accordance with the provisions of By-Law Number 897, Section 5. RODNEY Furnival Road from southern boundary to northern boundary of Village. Queen Street from western boundary of Village to Furnival Road. SPRINGFIELD Main Street from western boundary of Village to East Street. Wellington Street from northern boundary of Village to Main Street. East Street from southern boundary of Village to Main Street. WEST LORNE Graham Street from northern boundary to southern boundary of Village. Main Street from western boundary to eastern boun- dary of Village. DUTTON Main Street from northern boundary to southern boundary of Village. ShaC.kleton Street from eastern boundary of Village to Main Street. (Cont'd) By-Law No. 910 Page 2 Currie Street from northern boundary of Village to Shackleton Street. PORT STANLEY Colborne Street from northern boundary of Village to Bridge Street. Bridge Street to George Street. George Street to New Road up hill to Invererie Heights. Along New Road to western boundary of Lot 1, being line between Township Lots 15 and 16. East Street from eastern boundary of Village to Joseph Street to Colborne Street. VIENNA Plank Road from northern boundary of Village to Front Street to Water Street to Plank Road to southern boundary of Village. AYLMER John Street from northern boundary to southern boun- dary of Town. Talbot Street from western boundary (as on south side) to eastern boundary of Town. That the plans of the said Village and Town attached hereto, showing the roads and streets hereby designated, form part of this By-Law. County Council Chambers St. Thomas January 25th, 1918 K. W. McKay N.S. Cornell County Clerk Warden Passed 25th January 1918 Certified correct - K. W. McKay - County Clerk Enclosed in the original copy are maps of Rodney, West Lorne Aylmer, Dutton Springfield, Vienna and Port Stanley