912 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 912 "'r 0 MAKE GRANT TO THE MIL IT ARY BRANCH OF THE YOUNG MEN' S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. n Passed 29th March 1918. The Elgin County Council enacts: That the sum of seventeen thousand dollars be granted to the Military Branch of the Young Men's Christian Association, for overseas work, for the year 1918. That the sum of five thousand dollars be paid during the month of April 1918 and the balance in monthly instal- ments of fiftèen hundred dollars each. Said payments to be made by the Treasurer, on the order of the Warden. County Council Chambers' St. Thomas' 29th March 1918 K. W. McKay N. S. Cornell County Clerk Warden Passed 29th March 1918 Certified correct K W. McKay County Clerk