914 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 914 "TO APPOINT A MATRON AND ASSISTANT MATRON OF THE HOUSE OF INDUSTRY AND REFUGE AND AMEND BY-LAW NO. 875". Passed the 14th June 1918 The Elgin County Council enacts: 1 . That Mrs. Jennie Gooding, be and is hereby ap- pointed Matron of the House of Indsutry and Re;fuge. 2. That Mrs. Nellie Attridge be·-and is hereby ap- pointed Assistant Matron of the House of Industry and Re;f'uge at a salary of twenty-five dollars per month. 3. That By-Law No 875 be and is hereby amended accordingly. County Council Chambers St. Thomas 14th June 1918 K. W. McKay N. S. Cornell County Clerk Warden Passed 14th June 1918 Certified correct K W. McKay County Clerk