937 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 937 TO AUTHORIZE APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS ON COUNTY ROADS." Passed June 14th, 1919 The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: 1. That the County Road Superintendent, ap- pointed by the Council under the provisions of the High- way Improvement Act, be and is hereby authorized to ap·· prove of applications and plans for the construction of sidewalks on County Roads by the Councils of the local municipalities in the County. 2. That it shall be the duty of said Superin- tendent to give his consent in writing and impose such requirements, regulations or conditions as he may deem necessary in connection with the construction of side- walks. 3. That said Superintendent shall keep all applications and copies of all correspondence in connec- tion therewith on file in his office. County Council Chambers St. Thomas June 14th, 1919. K. W. McKay W. H. Turner County Clerk Warden Passed 14th June, 1919. Certified correct K W. McKay County Clerk