By-Law No. 944
Passed 14th June 1919.
WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that
the sum of one hundred and eighty-six thousand, one hun·-
dred and six dollars is required to be raised in the sev-
eral municipalities for the lawful purposes of the County
during the year 1919.
AND WHEREAS by the Assessment Act this Council
is required to direct what portion of the sum to be levied
for County purposes shall be levied in each municipali t¡r
in the County.
AND WHEREAS the rates are required to be appor-
tioned on the basis of the assessment of property as eq·-
ualized in the preceding year.
AND WHEREAS the assessment of property of the
County as ascertained and equalized in 1918, is as follows
Municipality Total Equalized Value
Aldborough $ [Z,977,254.
Dunwich 3,198,254.
Southwold 3,840,267.
Yarmouth 4,641,657.
Malahide 2,839,810.
Bayham 1,884,513.
South Dorchester 1,678,552.
Dutton 330,524.
Port Stanley 218,893·
Springfield 144,660.
Vienna 99,707.
Rodn§!y 218,772.
West Lome 216,633.
Aylmer 973,819.
$ 23,263,315.
By-Law No. 944 Page 2
THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Cor-
poration of the County of Elgin enacts -
1. That a rate of eight mills on the dollar be
levied on all rateable property in the several munici-
palities in the County of Elgin as above set forth, for
the year 1919, to raise the following amounts:-
2. That the sum of one hundred and eighty-six
thousand, one hundred and six dollars be raised and lev:Led
in the several municipalities in the County, according
to the following schedule, and that the amounts, as enter-
ed therein, be paid to the County Treasurer, as by law
Municipality Total
Aldborough $ 23,818.
Dunwich 25,586.
Southwold 30,722.
Yarmouth 37,133·
Malahide 22,718.
Bayham 15,076.
South Dorchester 13,428.
Dutton 2,644.
Port Stanley 1,751.
Springfield 1,157.
Vienna 799.
Rodney 1,751.
West Lorne 1,733.
Aylmer 7,790.
County Council Chambers
St. Thomas
June 14th 1919.
K. W. McKay W. H. Turner
County Clerk Warden
Passed 14th June 1919.
Certified correct K W. McKay County Clerk