950 COUNTY OF ELGIN 950 By-Law No TO GRANT AID FOR IMPROVEMENT OF MIDDLESEX COUNTY LIN~ BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH DORCHESTER 1919 Passed 29th November Elgin County Council enacts That the sum of five hundred dollars be granted to be expended on the Dorchester County line from lot 1<~ to lot 24, provided the Councils of the County of MiddlE!sex and Townships of North and South Dorchester grant equal amounts and that the Canadian Milk Products Company, grants the sum of $1000.00 for the same purpose. The expenditure of the money to be in charge of the Reeves of North and South Dorchester. The County Council Chambers St. 'fhomas 29th November W. H. Turner Warden 1919 K. W. McKay County Clerk County Clerk Passed 29th November 1919 McKay K. W Certified