971 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 971 TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN TO SIGN AGREEMENT. n WHEREAS under the provisions of the Highway Improve- ment Act, the County Council during the years 1918 and 1919, made grants to the frown of Aylmer, a balance of five thousand and twenty-nine dollars and sixty-three cents of which has not been paid over. AND WHEREAS the frown of Aylmer has improved the streets which form the connecting links with County Roads through the Town. AND WHEREAS the said Town issued debentures to pay the cost of improving said Streets and is desirous of er~ering into an agreement with the County under the provisions of thé . said Act with respect to the application of said grants and for annual grants from said Council during the period for which Debentures have been issued to be applied towards the maintenance of said roads and the payment of sáid Debeni;ures. AND WHEREAS an agreement between the said Town and County for the purposes aforesaid has been entered into which agreement is subject to the approval of the Minister of High- ways. The Elgin County C ounc il enacts: frhat the Warden be and is hereby authorized to sign said agreement in such form as it may be approved by thE! Minister of Highways and that the same shall be attached to and form part of this By-Law. Elgin County Council Chambers St. Thomas June 19, 1920 K. W. McKay W. H. Mills County Clerk Warden Passed 19th June 1920 Certified correct K. W. McKay - County Clerk (Cont'd) , By-Law No 971 Page 2 W. A. McLean, M.E.I.C. Deputy Minister ONTARIO - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS Toronto, October 21, 1920. K. W. McKay, Esq., County Clerk, St. Thomas, Onto Dear Mr. McKay: In accordance with your request, I am herewith returning two copies of the Agreement between the CountJ' of Elgin and the Town of Aylmer, approved by the MinistEir of Highways, in pursuance of provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. Yours truly, W. A. McLean WAM/HB (Cont'd) By-Law No. 971 Page 3 Schedule "A referred to in the annexed Agreement. By-Law Date Years to Run 'I\own's Share Annual Payment Towns Share 781 1911 1920 - 31 1,452.00 116.45 793 1912 1920 - 32 12,000.00 962.40 81.3 1913 1920 - 33 10,235.00 892.30 814 1913 1920 - 33 11,935.05 1,040.73 824 1913 1920 - 33 9.998.76 871.82 851 1914 1920 - .34 2.172.00 189.39 852 1914 1920 - 34 8,485.00 739. 90 856 1914 1920 - 34 565.78 49.32 Total.............. $56,843.59 $Lf,862.31 -- Note Totals were initialed but illegible ( C ont " d) By-Law No. 971 Page 4 T HIS A G R E E MEN T made the twelfth day of October A.D.. 1920. Bet wee n. - THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN hereinafter called the "COUNTY" Of the First Part -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AYLMER hereinafter called the "TOWN" Of the Second Part WHEREAS pursuant to By-Laws Numbers 781. 793, 813. 814, 824. 851. 852 and 856, the said Town has improved i.n a permanent manner certain streets within the Corporation limits of the said Town. which form connecting links between certain roads designated as County Roads by the said County and have issued Debentures pursuant to said By-Laws to pro- vide for the cost of the work so undertaken and performe,d by the said Town. AND WHEREAS the said County has by By-Law undeir the Highway Improvement Act of Ontario granted to the said T'own of Aylmer certain sums of money for the purpose of improvement of certain of the streets mentioned and referred to in c:er- tain of said By-Laws and there now remains to the credit of the said Town the sum of $5.029.63 being the amount granted by the County to the said Town for the purposes aforesaid. AND WHEREAS it has been and is hereby agreed. sub- ject to the terms. conditions and provisoes herein contained by and between the said County and the said Town as follows:- 1. The said County shall yearly and every year, during the period for which Debentures have been issued under said By-Laws as shown by Schedule A, attached herE~to. grant and apportion to the said Town under the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. and amount equal to the proportion (Cont'd) Page 5 971 By-Law No payable by the said Town as a Corporation towards the improve- ment of County Highways under the said Act to be arrived at and determined by the said County upon the express understand- ing and ªgreement that the said Town shall out of the sum or sums so granted complete any work not completed on said roads and shall maintain and keep in proper and sufficient repair all said roads mentioned in said By-Laws and whatever balance may remain of said yearly grant by the County to said Town may be applied upon the portion required to be paid by the said Town as a Corporation of the Debentures maturing from time to time under the provisions of the said By-Laws hEir'e- inbefore referred to and the said Town may also in like manner and for like purposes only as aforesaid apply the balanc,e of the grant or grants already made by the said County to the said Town, but which have not as yet been paid over to the said Town. 2. The said Town doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said County to fully and completely do, execute and perform all and every of the conditions, provisoes and agreements herein contained. 3. All said work to be done, executed or performed and all material used in connection therewith is to be c:arried out under the inspection of the County Road Superintendent of the said County and in accordance with such regulations of the Highways Department of the Province of Ontario as may be applicable thereto 4. This Agreement and any By-Law in connection therewith shall not take effect until the same has been approved of by the Minister of said Department as provided in the Highway Improvement Act or amendments thereto. IN WITNESS\WHEREOF the said Corporations have hereunto affixed their respective Corporate Seals and signed by the Warden and Clerk of the said County and the Mayor and Clerk of the said Town. Warden Mills H W. Clerk McKay W. K Ma:y-or Cl.srk Wagner Davis L C F D ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED In the presence of Denning N. Geot'ge Biggs ) d I C (Cont APPROVED By-Law No. 971 Page 6 The foregoing Agreement is hereby approved. Dated the 19th day of Oct. A. D., 1920. Minister of Public Works and Highways DATED October 12, A.D., 1920 THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AYLMER A G R E E MEN T C. ST. CLAIR LEITCH Solicitor for County of Elgin (Cont'd) By-Law No 971 Page 7 CLERK'S OFFICE TOWN OF AYLMER July 22 Dear Sir, Duly considered the Agreement with Council and all expressed that same' was OK. Your respectfully, Mayor Wagner ¡ ,