973 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 973 TO CONFIRM AGREEMEN'r FOR SALE OF GRAVEL TO THE LONDON AND PORT S'rANLEY RAILWAY COMPANY." WHEREAS the County Road Committee has entered into actual Agreement with the London and Port Stanley Railway Company for the sale of gravel on a portion of the Hathaway farm being in all about two acres, for the sum of one thousand. six hundred and fifty dollars. The Elgin County Council enacts: That when said Agreement is reduced to writing specifying location of gravel and terms of payment and signedby the said Company that the Warden be authorized to sign it on behalf of the County and that the same shall be attached to and form part of this By-Law. Elgin County Council Chambers St. Thomas June 19. 1920 K. W. McKay W. II. Mills County Clerk Warden Passed 19 June 1920 Certified correct K W. McKay County Clerk