976 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 976 "TO DESIGNATE COUNTY ROAD IN VILLAGE OF VIENNA." The Elgin County Council enacts: 1. That the designation of road number forty-four as set forth in By-Law No. 909. be amended to include the portion within the Village of Vienna. 2. That this By-Law take effect and come into force when agreement is entered into with the Lieutenant Governor in Council, as provided in Ontario Highways Act. 1915, Section 19. 3. That By-Law No. 909 be amended accordingly. County CQuncil Chambers St. Thomas 27th November 1920 K. W. McKay W. H. Mills County Clerk Warden Passed 27th November 1920 Certified - K. W. McKay County Clerk The original By-Law was not sealed