981 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 981 "TO GRANT THE SUM OF FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO THE EAST ELGIN lVIEMORIAL HOSPITAL". Passed 29th January 1921. The Elgin County Council enacts - That the sum; of five thousand dollars be granted to the East Elgin Memorial Hospital Board, to assist in establishing a Public Hospital in the Town of Aylmer. That the grant be paid when the Pròvincial Inspector of Hospitals certifies that the Hospital is satisfactory for the purposes for which it was estab- lished and that Provincial regulations, if any, have been complied with. County Council Chambers St. Thomas 29th January 1921 K. W. McKay .H. C. McKillop County Clerk Warden Passed January 29th 1921. Certified K. W McKay County Clerk