984 COUNTY OF EWIN 984 By-Law No 8 " WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to designate additional Qounty roads to take the place of the County roads assumed by the Province under the provisions of the Provincial Highways Act ~TO AMEND BY.::-LAW NO Elgin County Council enacts That By-Law No. 897, as amended by By-Laws number- 902, 909, 915 and 947 be and is hereby further amendE~d changing the designation of roads numbered 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 31, 33, 36, 37, 39, 40, 49, 50, 53 to read as follows:- The ed by 7, 46, Road_ No.1 The Graham Road in the Township of Aldborough commencing at Lake Erie, the road between lots 18 and 19, in the thirteenth concession and its continuation running northerly to the (Jounty boundary, the middle of the main channel of the River Thames, save and except the portion within the Village of West Lome .B.2§,d NQ..~. The Furni val Road in the Township of Aldborough commencing at Lake Erie, the road between lots 6 and 7 in the thirteenth concession and its continuation northerlJr to the Gore concession, and continuing northerly between lots 8 and 9 to the road between concessions 2 and 3, thence easterly on said road to the road between lots 1L~ and 15 in (:)oncession 2, thence northerly on said road to the County boundary, the middle of the main channel of the River Thames, save and except the portion of the Fumival Road within the Village of Rodney Road NO'-2' Commencing at the Furnival Road in the TO~l- ship of Aldbo.rough, between lots 8 and 9, the road between concessions 5 and 6, lots 9 to 15, thence south along the road between lots 15 and 17 to the road between the third and fourth concessions east Aldborough, thence easterly along said road, lots 17 to 21, to the Dunwich and Aldborough Townline. Road No.6. The road between concessions 2 and 3, Township of Aldborough, commencing at the Fumival Road between lots 8 and 9 and running westerly to the Kent County line and south along said <:Jounty line to the Kent County .road number 4C. (Cont'd) Page 2 Road No . The road in the Township of Dunwich between lots 18 and 19 in concessions 8, 9, and 10 and to the Lake Road in concession 11, thence northwesterly through conc:es- sions 9 and 10 to road number 8, lot 12, concession 8 By-Law 984 Road No.9. The Townline between the Townships of Aldbor- ough and Dunwich from road number 5 between concessions 3 and L¡. Aldborough, and northerly to the road between conces- sions 2 and 3 in the Township of Dunwich, thence easterly to road no. 8, between lots 12 and 13 Road No. 15. The old Currie Road, in the Township of Dunwich, commencing at lot 11 in concession 5 north of A, thence westerly and northerly through said concession, the Gore and concession 4 and 3 to road no. 9 between concessions 2 and 3. Road No ~. The road between lots 23 and 24 in concession 3, Township of Southwold, commencing on the Middlesex .County line road number 19, thence south and westerly to road ()e- tween lots 33 and 34, thence southerly to the North Talbot Road (Provincial Highway No. 90) Road No. 19. The Middlesex County boundary line from thE; London and Port Stanley Road, Provincial Highway No. 10 I' west to the road in the Township of Southwold between lots 1 and 18 thence southerly through concessions 2, 3 and Lf, and between lots 25 and 26 north of the Talbot Road North to the Back Street Road No.. 20. Commencing at the road between concessions 2 and 3 Southwold, lots 6 and 7, road no. 18, thence southerly through concessions 3, L¡. and ~. and westerly along the conces- sion line to the road between lots 15 and 16 north of Talbot Road North, in the Township of Southwold, running southerly through the Village of Fingal, and the Union Road to the Village limits of Port Stanley and along the boundary line between Port Stanley and Southwold to Carlow Road in said Village. Foad No_~22 The road between .cO!1cessions 4 and 5, in the Township of Yarmouth from the Sòuthwold'.j)ownline easterly to road no. 23 P.C. The London and Port Stanley Road (Cont'd) Page 3 Road No. 24. Commencing on lot 2 in concession 2 Township of Yarmouth, at the top of the hill on the London and Port Stanley Road, the old road through lots 1 and 2, to where the Corporation boundary of Port Stanley crosses said road and road between concessions 1 and 2, easterly to road lbe- tween lots 21 and 22, no. 36 BY-Law 984 the road between lots Road, northerly to the Road No 26. In Township of Yarmouth, 4 and 5 in range south of the Edgeware County line between Middlesex and Elgin Road NO.....31. Commencing in the road, in the Township of Yarmouth, between the range south and first range north of the Edgeware Road, lots 9, 10. 11 and 12. the road betw1sen lots 12 and 13 in the first and second ranges north of the Edgeware Road. the 10th and 11th concessions. the road be- tween lots 12 and 13 in range south of the Edgeware Road and its continuation south between lots 14 and 15 in the 9th concession. B.oad No .....J.:k The road in the Township of Yarmouth betw1sen lots 8 and 9. in:concessions 12 and 13. The road betwelsn concessions 13 and 14, lots 9 to 12. The road between lots 12 and 13. concession 14, to County boundary line and east- erly along said boundary connecting with road numbered .34. and also the road between concession 13 and 14. lot 8. to Middlesex County line Road No.~ Commencing at the Malahide Townline . the Lake Road in Township of Yarmouth. lots 28 to 22, the road between lots 21 and 22 in concessions 2. 3. 4, 5, 6 and its continuation northerly and westerly through concession '7, lots 20 and 21. to the road between concessions 7 and 8, lots 19 and 20. to and along road between lots 18 and 19 in con- cession 8. Roa~No._~ The road in the Township of Yarmouth between lots 7 and 8 in concessions 4, 5. 6 and 7. and concession 8 to Wellington Street and Wellington Street west to the City of st. Thomas Road No. 39. Commencing at the northerly boundary of Dor- chester South the road between lots 12 and 13 of said Town- ship and its continuation between lots 10 and 11 of the Township of Malahide to the road between concessions 1 and 2 (Copenhagen) and south to the road that runs westerly through lots 6. 7. 8. 9 and 10, thence south along the road through lot 5 to the Lake Road then west through lots 1. 2. 3, 4 and 5 to the Yarmouth Townline .. save and except that portion within the Town of Aylmer. (Cont ' d) Lf Road No 4-0. Commencing at the southerly boundary of the Village of Springfield. the road in the Township of Malahide running southerly between lots 20 and 21. in concessions 9 and 8 and running southerly and westerly through lots 20 to 13 in the 7th concession to the easterly boundary of the Town of Aylmer. Also road between concessions 8 and 9. lot 21, east to Bayham Townline- and south along the Townlin€L to road between concessions 8 and 9, Township of Bayham and east to road between lots 113 and 114 Page By-Law 984 46. The road in Township of Bayham between lots from the Oxford County line south through concess- 9. and 8 to Provincial Highway No 11 Road No 5 and 6 ions 10 Road No. 49. The road in the Township of South Dorchester, between lots 6 and 7, concessions 8, 9. 10, 11 and 12. to the northerly boundary of the Village of Springfield. Road No _~ The road in the Township of South Dorchester between lots 18 and 19, concessions 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 and lot 2 concession 9. Malahide, to road between concessions 8 and 9 and east to road between lots 10 and 11 (ho. 39) Road No. ~ The road in the Township of Bayham beginning at the boundary of the Village of Vienna, lot number 16, and running northeasterly through lots 17. 18, 19, 20. to road between concessions 3 and 4, thence east to the Norfolk County line Chambers County Council St. Thomas 25th day of H. C McKillop Warden 1921 March K. W. McKay County Clerk County Clerk McKay W K 1921 Certified Correct Passed 25th March