990 ,;. " COUNTY OF ELGIN 990 By-Law No MAKING SPECIAL GRANTS TO THE :~_BY-LAW FOR THE PURPOSE OF I IVJP ROVE- AND -..TILWN " THE MENT OF_CERTAIN_HIGHWAYS WITHIN THE SAID VI~LAGES VILLAGES AND TOWN IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, FO~ WHEREAS under the Act of Aid in the Improvement of Public Highways, R.S.O., 1914, Chapter 40, a County Council may, from time to time, while carrying out a plan of highway improvement under the said Act, by By-Law ma]œ grants to villages and towns not separated from the County, for the purpose of improving such highways or portions of highways in such villages or towns as may be designated in such By-Law and which are extensions of, or form COilllec- tions between different portions of County roads AND WHEREAS a grant made in accordance with the said Act to a village or town having a population of more than 1,500 must be expended solely upon roads and streets or portions thereof which lie opposite to lands on one side or the other thereof used for agricultural purposes terms AND WHEREAS the Council of the County of Elgill deems it expedient to make grants to the Incorporated Villages and Town of the County in accordance with the of the said Act AND WHEREAS the population of the saidVillag'3s and Town according to the last (1911) revised census is as follows:- 2102 891 454 332 836 676 740 Aylmer, town Port Stanley, village Springfield, village Vienna, village Dutton, village Rodney, village West Lorne, village BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Corp·- of the County of Elgin as follows:- of is hereby made to the Town A grant of $3535 oration 1. Aylmer Village 44 P.C. (Cont'd) 2. A grant of $362 is hereby made to the of Vienna for the improvement of County Road No. on Teal Hill, and from the north limit south. By-Law No. 990 Page 2 3. A grant of $526 is hereby ,made to the VillagE~ of Springfield for the improvement of Road No. 40 being Main Street west of Superior. 4. A grant of $795 is hereby made to the Village of Port Stanley for the improvement of County Road No. ,~3 P.C. beginning at the north limit of Village. thence south 5. A grant of $1200 is hereby made to the Village of Dutton for the improvement of County Road No. 13 P.C". commencing at corner of McArthur and Shackleton Streets" west to Currie Street. 6. That a grant of $787 is hereby made to the Village of West Lome for the improvement of County Road No.1." beginning at southerly boundary of Village and work north. 7. A grant of $795 is hereby made to the Village of Rodney for the improvement of Furnival Street. opposite lots 5 and 6, block C and opposite lots 1 to 8, block E" plan 97. The said grants shall be expended solely upon the highway or portion thereof herein designated. 8. The work on which the said grants shall be e~)end- ed shall be performed in accordance with the last revised regulations respecting highways of the Department of Public Highways of Ontario. Read a third time and passed this 18th day of June 1921 K. W. McKay H. C. McKillop County Clerk Warden Passed 18th June 1921. Certified Correct K W. McKay County Clerk