994 j;YY',.Iu·\W 11<0 II 994 ¡" - --" TO AUfJ.'HCIZIZE 'J}TnS 'W.lÚiDJtl1 AHD Tl:U:~j:~SUH1Œ¡ TO ,BCIVi01N ~1JIU~ .'-,' ~~ SUM (j]¡' ~~WO HUHDmill'J:TIOUSA.!\!D DOLfJ1\.HS :I:ho Elgin QOÐ,nty Council eMcts;- THAT ·the Wàrê1.en and :r1'80,Sl1rer be ànd e,l~e hereby t.\v.thQ:;:,ized 'GO borrow the Sum of Two ITunéì1:ed Thousand DöJJ.ars, 17-8 it may be requi:r'ed, 'GQ meet expou¿¡itures of thè OorjjQration of ElGin durif~ 1922, and give as security therefor, notes of One Thoui2ie..nél or Ten Thousaml Dolla:<.'t~ o11oh. Connty Council Qhamberß Sto'J:þ:omasý 27th Janu1),ry. 1922. ~~~ t-: L'~(~- Ccun'GY Clérk. Warden.