996 ~ County Clerk. L ê. ~- 'n¿~!A rJ I Warden. , County Council Chambers St . 1'homas , Jamary 27th 1922. 2 . THAT members of said Advisory Council be paid the same as members of this Council for attendance at'the two meetings required to be he Id annl1allyin Fe brl1a;ry and November, a.nd that the;sr receive their travelling and other expenses for attendance at BIJecial or emergency meetings called by the ChêÙrman. For Two R. A. Kerr,' W.A.Galbra,ith R. fl. Penhale Goo. J"aidlaw, Louis J'ohnson Years. Aldborough. Dunwich. Yarmouth., Malahið_e. Straffordvi lle. ]'01' One J. A. King, HeilBurton, R.B.McConnell, Duncan Campbell VI. ]'. Smi th , J' .A.McCallum Year. Aldborough. So~1thwold. Malahi. de. S .Dorchester. Yarmouth. Dunwich. .THAT the following be appointed members of the County Advisory Agricultural COuncil 1 The Elgin County Council enacts , ~ pose sa i d. Counc i 1 appointment AND WJIEREAS of the the Counc members of the il have a}!jJroved Count;sr of the suggestion and the Board. of Trade to com- operate with the Agricultural Representative this WImm~AS the Cormcil Honorable to appoint an the l¡Œinis-cor Advisory Agrißultural Council to co of Agriculture has i XlV i t oct TU A1?l'OIWr: A COUN'l'Y ADVISCHY AGlUCU1:J:URAL COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 996