1000 Elgin County Highway System BY-LAW No. rooD Passed 22nd March, 1922. Consolidating all by-laws heretofore passed designating County Roads, under the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act I 11 I I I ¡ I BY-LAW No. 1000 To Designate County Roads for Improvement Under the Provisions of The Highway Improvement Act, and Repeal By-Laws Nos. 897, 902, 909, 915, 947, and 976. Passed 22nd March, 1922 The Cound1 of the Co'rporation of thc· County of Elgin enacts as £0110,\",5: 1. That the several roads and higlnvays as desc·ribed and here- inafter -set forth are hereby de:;ignated and assumed as County Roads, to be Improved and maintained under the provisions of The Highway· Improvement Act. Road No. 1. The Graham Road, in the Township of Aldborough, commencinlg at Lake Erie, the 'road between lots 18 and 19, in the thi'rteenth concession,and its continuation, running no'rtherly to the Counrty boundary, the middle of the main channel of the River Thames, save and except ,the portion within the Villa.ge of WeE-t LOTne, Road No.2, P. C. Commencing at the road in Township pf Aldboroughbetween lots 6 and 7, the road between concessions 8 and 9 running easterly to the toyvn line between the Townships of Ald- borough and Dunwich, thence northerly in said town line to the roád between concession A and concession 5 north of A in Dunwich, save änd except the· portion within the Village of West Lorne. Road No.3. The Furnival Road, in the Towns'hip of Aldborough, commencing at Lake Erie, the road beiì.veen lots 6 and 7 in the th-ir~ tee nth concession, and its continuation northerly to the Gore Concès-: sion, an-d continuing northerly between lots 8 and 9 to the l'oad between concessions 2 and 3, thence easterly on said road to the- 'road 'between lots 14 and 15 in concession 2, thence northerly on sa,id road to the County boundary, the middle of the nmili channel of the River Thames, save and except the portion of the Furnival Road \vithin the Village of Rodney. Road No.4, P. C, Commencing at the Kent Co~nty boundary line at the intersection o£ the road between concessions 4 and 5 of the Township of Orford, the County boundary -line south to intersection of road between concessions 7 and 8, Township of Aldborough. The road between said co.ncessions 7 and 8-, Township of _Aldborough, from the westerlvboundary of the Township to the Furnival RDad r"" I I "'"""'''''"1" ' ,,·,,;-'_~"_il between lots 6'and~ 7, save çmd except~ the portion-_ withìn the Village of Rodney. Road:-No.-13,P~-C. The-road_'between concessio¡:rs .A and 5 south of A, -in -the Township of Dunwic-h"froID,the.boundary of theViHag.e 'of Dutton 'easterly totheS.outhwold town line. Road No. 14. The to\,,~n line between the Township-s of Dunwich and Soutlw;old, :co11ltncncing _at th-e road known a's the .Talbot Road (Burwell'-s Co~ners) and ·running northerly to the Cöun1y -boundary, the middle of the main channel üf the River Thames, excepting -the following: Road No. 14, P. C. J1rom the Talbot Road north (lL. 1i') northerly to north -liniit of RoadN 0-. 1'3. Road No. 15. The old Currie Road, in the To"\vnship ofDull"vie'h, commencing atlot 11 in. concession;~ nO'rth{)f A, then,ce we_ster1yanâ northc-rly through said concession, the Gore and concessiQn 4, to road at nolrth-east corner lot 10. Road No.5. CommenÓngat the FunIival Road, in the To\vnship of AId-borough, between lots 8 and 9, the road bet\veen concessions 5 and 6;_.lqts: ~:to lå"the:n,cesouth-along the road between lots 15 and, 17 tQ_ the 'road:between the third and' fourth concessions east, AId-bo'rough, thence easterly along said. road) lots- 17 to 21-; to the Dunwich and AIdborough tovm line. Ro'ad- No.-6.- The'road behveen conces'sions 2 and 3, Township of Aldborough, commencing at ,the Furnival Road between lots 8 and 9 and running westerly to the Kent- county line an,d south along said county line to the Kent County Road Number 4C. Roa.dNo..7. The road in the Township of DU11\vich between lots; 18 and-l'9 in_ concessions 8, 9, 'Q.-nd 10'" to the Lake Road in concession 11, thence north-westerly through concessions 9 and 1Q to Road Num- ber 8, lot 12, concession 8. Road No.8. Commencing_ itl the -road between the 9th- and 10th co-ncessions of thê Township of Dunwich at line between lots 8 and, 9, the Lake, Road easterly and southerly through lots 9 and 10, thence l)orthe:r.:ly the 'roadbetwe_en lot_s_l:0 and 11 to the_ given roa{L in concession 9, thence north-easterly on said road to the- Currie Road between lots 12 and 13 in the 8th concession, :thence northerly along said, -r-oad to the road 'at the no-rth of concession' 1" thence easterly along said' road to the road- between lots 13 and 14, thence northe1"Iy to the Cou,nty houndary, the middle of the main channel of the River. Thames, save and except the portion within the Village of Dutton. Road No. 9~ The-to'\yn line· between. the Townships of AId.., borough an,d Dunwidi, from Road Number 5 between concessions 3 a-n-d; 4; Ald:borough, and- northerly to tHe r-oad'between. concessions 2 an:d' 3 in the: Township of Dutn'vich, thence easterly to Road No. s; helw-een lots 12, and- 13. Road No. 10, P. C. The road-between concessions A and 5 north of A, Township of Dunwich, commencing at the Aldborough_ town line, thence easterly to- the old, Currie- Road on lot 11, thence south- cas;ter:ly on said Currie Road to the boundary of the Village of Dutton. Road No. 11. The 'road between the Gore and concession 4 Tov\~nship of Dunwich, from the ro.ad between lots, 12 and 13 to th~ South wold to'wn line. Road Nó. 16. the Dimwich town Talbo,t Road,.in the Township of South wold, from line to the City of St. Thomas. Road No. .18. The road hetweencol1cessions 2 and 3, it) the To\'mship ofSoutln\;old, from the Dunwich town line to the road bet\veen lots 1 and 18. Road No. 19. The Nfiddlesex County houndar-y line f-romthe London a:nd Pt. Stanley Hoad,ProYindal. Highway No. 10, 'WC$t-to the road in the Township of South~yo-1d betweeT1 lots 1_and,lS, thenc-e southerly through conces3icms 2, 3, and 4, and between 10·ts '2f> and 26 north of :the Talbot Roa,d NO'rth to the Back Street, -or- Provincial ,Highway No..90. Road: No';' 12~ The road in the.TOwnship of Du-mvîch oet,\\reerr. lots 6 an:-d--.7 commencing: at the road hetween co-néessl-onÅ¡- A and 5- n:ot-th- 6f: A,'ru!Xning-n'ortherlY' tg'_: the Cô-tinfy hoÚ¡;¡-chi"tY, the' mi~dle df ..1-..-'>'. _...:·....-,·...,1~>...,_·...ð-1 ....'+ + >,,,i' Þ::.;·",.., 'T'·k.,,,,;;,';,.c;;·~ '. RoadNO. -20. Commencing at the roadbet.\veen concession'52 and 3, Southwolcl, lots 6 and 7, Road No. 18 thence 'southerly thr:nugh concessiOns '3, 4, and :3 and westerly along the concession,line to the road between lots 1:3 <t11'd 16 no,rth of Talbot Road north, in the TownshipDf Southwo-ld, running southerly .throtig,ht-he Village of Fingal;andtheUnion Road to the viìlage :limits of Port Stanleyan·d along the ,boundary line between Port StanJey and So-ut:h-w-Nllcl to Car10w Road,. and, Carlow Street in said village to Bri-dge Street. Road N?21. ... Commencing at the northlimitoLthe Lake,Rnad in the Townshìp of South wold, between lots 6 and 7, and'runni-ngjn ~ northerly direction to 'road along the south limit of the lots on the south sid-eof Ta1botHoad,. then'ce in an -easterly -:di-r.eötion -along-said road,tothe Ya'rm.outh town line and in the Township ,of Yarmouth to the Kaif.ls Bridge on the boundary of tlleCity of-St. 'Thomas. Road -No. 22. The -roadibetwe,en -concessions 4 an:d 5; -in the Township of Yarmouth, from the South wold to\vn li-ne -easterly to Road -No. 23, P.e. ,The London and, ,Po-rt Stanley Road. Road No. 27. Commencing at the London and Port Stanley Road in the Village of Union, the road bct\veen concession1s 3 and 4 in To\vns'hip of Yarmouth, lots 4 to 21, inclusive. Road No. 28. , - C'Omencing" at the Talbot Roadin Townsh_ip of Yarmouth, the road bet\veen Jots W ,an-d 11 in concessions Sand 7, and the road behveen the 6th and 7th concessions, lots 11 to 14, and the road between' lots 14 and 1:3 in concession 6. 'Road No. 29. The 'road betv,i-een lots 14 and 1:3 in the 2nd and :ird concessions 'of To').vnship of Yarmouth.' Road No. 30. Commencing at the north houndary of-the City of St. Thomas, BalaclavaStreet, in Township of Yarmouth,lot ;3. con~ cession 9, the road- in 'rear of the ninth c01l'cession, Jots ;3, 6, 7" 8, 9, up to and including, the road between lots 8 an'¿ 9 in the 'range south aiid first and second l"anges north of the Edge\vare Road, the 10th and 11th concessions. 14, to_ County bounda-ry Ene and easterly along said boundary con- necting \vith road numbered 34, and also the road between concessions 13 and 14, lot 8, to Middlesex- County line. Road No. 34. The Middlesex County -line in reaT of the 15th concession, Township of YanÙouth, from the Dorchester town line, lots 17 and 16, and part of 15, to connect with the Midlesex County road. ,~ I~~-~--- i I ] I I I I I I I , Road No. 23, P. C. All of the London and Port Stanley road situated in the Township of Yarmouth- and the portion of said road situated in the Township of Southwold between· Yarmouth town Hne and the boundary of the Village of. Port Stanley. Road No. 24. Commencing-on lút 2 in concessjon~, Township of Ya'rmouth, at -the top of the hill on the London and Port Stanley Road, the old roaclthrough lots 1 and 2 to whe-re the corporation boundary o;f Port Stari-ley crosses said road, and road between con- cessions 1 and 2, easterly to road between lots 21 and 22, No, 36. Road No. 25. Commencing at the Midd-lesex Coun-ty line, the road bct\veen the Townships of YaTmouth and South wold to the road in the rear of con,cession9 in Yarmouth, thence on S1. George ·Street easterly _and southerly tlu"ough lots 1 and 2 in said concess'ion to boundary of City of S1. Thomas. Road No. 35. Commencing at New Sarul]l on Talbot Road, in Tmvnsh-ip of Yarmouth, lot 21, the road Tun-ning.northerly through concession 9; R. S~ E. R., first and second- ranges N.E._R., concession 10 an4 concession 11,to the town line betweenYa'rmouth and South Dorchester, thence northerly along said to-y..'n line to'the County bOl1nda-ry line bet\veen the Townships of North and$outh DOrchester. Road_Mo. 36. COlllmencÎng- at the Mal-ahide town lrne, ;:theLake Road in Township of Yarniou'th;; lots 28to 22,theroadbetweenlots 21 and 2,2 in concessions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and its continuation'northerlyáhd westerly through concession 7', lots 20 and 21, to the road between concessions 7 and-S, lots 19 an-d 20, to and along road between lots 18 ancl19 in concessJon 8: Road No.3!. Commencing in the road in the Towil'ship of Yar~ mQuth behveenthe 'range :50uth 'and. first range north· of -the Edge\vare H_oad,.10ts9, 10;, 11, and 12, the road between ]ots12 :and13 in the first and --se_cond rangesTI'o-rth of the Edge"\.vare Road-" 'the 10th arid 11th cOf'!ccssions,theroa!l between lots 12 'andi3 in the rang·esouth of the Edgewa'l'e Road and its continuation south between lots 14 and 1:1 in the 9th'· concesSÎ"ori. Road No; 37. The road if! the To\vnship ofYarmottth between 10ts_7 and S in concessions 5,6,and 7,and concession 8 to Welling- ton Street and \Vellington Street west to the City of. St. Thomas. Road No. 38. Talbot Road in the Townships of Malahide and Bayham, from the Fürge Road, No~ 46, to the easterly boundary of the Township of Bayham. Road No. 39. Commencing at the northerly boundary of Dor- chester Sot1th~ the road between lots 12 and -13 of said Tównship and its'continuation-betweèn lots 10 anc111 of the Township of 1hlahid'e to the road between concessions 1 and2-(Cop'enhagen) and 5'outh: to the -~oad that 'runs westerly through lots 6, 7, 8,9, and10, ,thence south alon-g the road' through .lot 5 to the Lake Road, then_,\vest through lots 1, 2,3, 4; 'and' fj'to the Yarmollth' to\vh line, save and except that portion 'within the Town of Aylmer. Road- No.' 40. Commencing at the southerlyhoumÌ:ary of the; Village of Springfield, the -road in the To\vns'hip' of Mala-hid'e· running southerly between lots 2,0 and 21, in. concessi'ons 9 and S, and running southerly and westerly th-rough lots 20 to 13 in the 'ìthconcession to the easterly bot!nd~ry. of the Tov...-n.. i)f Aylmer. . Þ.:l~o road hetween concessions 8 and 9,10t 21, east to B~yhamtownline and south along the town line to road between concess-ions 8 and q. Township of Bay- h9-m, and east to-road between lots 113 and '114. Road No.4!. The road in the Tb\vnship of Malahide be-tween lots 20 and21 in concessions 2, 3, 4, 5. and 6 of M9-la"hide. Róad No. 32. COmmencing at the Southword town Ene,the road in the Township- of Yarmouth between concessions 11 and: 12 to the town line between Yarmouth and South Dorchester; Road No. 33. The road in the To\vn-s'hip of Yarmouth behveen lots 8 an~ 0, in concessions 1.'3 and 13. The 'road between coocession-s 13 and 14, 10ts9 ts> 12; The road behl/een lots 12 and 13, concessi9Jl ,-,C-~...._,,__,"~-"-,^ .. Road No. 42. The road -in the Township ;of1rL-alahide between concessions ,1 and 2, -lots 11 to~~;;, Road between Iots 25 and ;~:6 ·il! 2nd co'ncession. Road be-tC\veenconces-sioll's 2- -and 3, lot·s _26 to 30. Road bet-ween lots 30 and 31 in 2nd concession. Road behveen concessions 1 and 2, lots 31 tÖ35. -Road -No. 43. -The 'road :iri the To\vn'S-hip of -J\i(alahide between the 3rd and 4th concessions, lots :n to 30. Road bet-'ween lots "30 and 31 in concession 3. Róad Nó.44,P~'C. In the Police Village of Port Burwel1, in the "1'ow.!1ship of-Bãyham,:from the intersection' of, Wellington -and Eiius Streets as :snown in R,egistered PI~n No. 112, Erius Street in northerly and ea~terly direction to the northern boundary of the, said Villaze where it connects with the old plank road running northerly and <nùI:th.-ea'Sterly ,_tl11"oug-h -said Township to ,the ; town .line ,between :B.ayb.am ana -Middle-ton (.Acacia), -indudin·g· -the po-rtio~ withiJ1 the Village of, Vienna._ .Road No. ,.45. The ,road in To\vnsh~pof ,Bayhambet\vcell_ the -1st and 2nd concessions from the Malahide town line e,a'sterly ,and 'souther- ly to Chatham Street'in the unincorporated Vi1lag"e of Port Burwell -<ts-ShO,Vl1 :in Regi-stere-dPlan No. 112, thence a-long Chatham -Street i:o "Rr-idge ,Street,to :Röbins'o-n·Street, to vVe11ington' Street,to -Eriu!; Street, ;connccting with Road N-o.44. Road N-o. 4'6. The lCoad in Towriship of 'Bayhain between'Jots;; 'and- ii,from the -Oxford county line s011t11 throl1gh' concessicms 10, .9~ and 8, to Provincial Highway No.IL Road No. 47. Commencing -atth-e tow-n line :hetween_NoTt-ha,u-d ..south -Do-rcheste;r, :the ,.foa·¿ in the TOW'l1Ship of .south ,Dorchester hetweel} lots 3 4_n.d,4,_.concessians 7, 8,-,9,'10. ,," Road No. 48. The road-ìn the Township of _South Do;ch'est'el" l)et'\\'een concessions 10 and 11, 10ts~2- to A, the Coun"ty line south to 'Oxfc-rd County Road ,No. 42. Road No. -ti9. _ -The road in the .T,ownship of South7Dörc--h'cster, ~d hetween lots Gand 7,concessions~,1l,.and12, to -the l1-û'rther1y¡l..,ø;~'._/--' 'bo:undary of the Villag:e of, Sp-r,ingh:elcL ' , ~ R-oadNc.'50. The road in' the Township of Soi.tth Dorchester, 1Jètween concessions 7an'd'8, lbts13 to 24, and the road between lots 18 and 19 in concessions 8,9, 10; '11, 12. Road No. 51. The Toad in ,the Townshipo:f-South 'Do-nhesteT, behvcen cDncessions 9 and 10, lots .13 to 24, the Ya'rmouth to:'\vn line. -Road No.:l52. The-town·lincebe-tween the Tö,vnship's ö~::1:Ia:t~hid~ ,.-"~~-,~- anti S-outh DÓrchesteT, from tne westerly houndary, 'ofth:e, Village of Sprin'gfield to the road bebveen lots 10 and 11, concession 9',~latâlÛdh Road" N~o. 53~ Th~ roeld in the Town-ship of Eayham heginning at- the houndary line of the Village of Vienna, lot ntiniber 1'6; and running no-rth-easterly'through lots 17, 18, 19', 20, ni Toad b-en"re-en concessions 3 and 4, thence east to the Norfolk county line. 2. The said highways shan he constructed, improvect, ;;md- n'ìain~- tained in acco-rdance with all provisions and regulati-ons prescribed by the said Highvy"ay Improvement Ad. 3; The Cou-nty Council ma"y from time- to time- by B-y-Law mak-e such- grants 'as may be neces'sary and e-qui-tabTe fÖT the improvement of highways o'r portions of highways in villages or towns, and ìvhich are extensions o-f or form direct connection between different portions of county roads, but the total amount of such grants to any village or town shall not exceed the sum of the PTovincial grant the'reon and the taxation paid by such urban municipaEties under this By-Law. 4. The County Council shall have authority to ra'ise and expend 011 hio-hwav construction under this By-Law, and in pursuan-ce of the termsð of T1Je Highway Improvement Act, such sums as may be neces- sary to complete the construction of the designated system of County roads, in add'ition to such amounts as may be required for repairs and maintenance, and f01" which purposes supplementary By-Laws may from time to time be introduced and passed by the County Council. 5. To meet the ann'ual expenditure on 'repair, maintenance, and construction, under this By-La'w, there shall be applied any Provincial subsidy or subsidies available under this Act, and any further sum or sums required may be -raised by -general county rate, in accordance with the provisions of The Municipal Act and The Highway Improve- ment Ad, and as may be determined by supplementa'ry By-La.vs. 6. AlIgran1ts from the Province under The Highway Improve- ment Act shall be expended solely upon the system of -roads regularly assumed and approved as County Roads under the said Act. 7. Should it be found', in canying out the plan for improve- ments herein provided fOT, that a greater expenditure is necessary in any to\vll'ship or townships than should equitably be a charge upon the County as a whole, the Council of the County may, by supplementary By-Law, with the assent of the Council of 'Such township or townships and approval of the 1-1inister of Public "'lorks of Ontario, cause a special rate to be levied upon such to.vnship o'r townships to meet excess expenditure; but the cost of any bridge which is a County bridge unDer the terms of The 1'Iunicipal Act, shall not be treated in ! I ! ¡ , ~1.:~ ~...__~.. 8. That By-La.ys Nos. 897, 902, 909, 915, 947, and 976 be and are hereby repealed. 9. This By-Law shall come into force \",.hen approved by the Lieutenant-Governor in CounciI in accordance with section 12 of the said High\yay Improvement Act. Coun ty Council Chambers,. St. Thomas,. 22nd March, 1922. , <:~ __n..__.'..____.. ...; .....h.n.;.'..... hu _-/... County Clerk. <:= .--.--~...g,.,...>.z:&..--~~- . ~rden. --,