1001 betweou'Couc tJ ssiOJ:lS Oue an él '.I'wo 1,ots 11 to 35 . rrll. e r02..ð- 1.n the rq ].. o wash J p of lvTalah 1 de foll ow 13 t'~'! c ð.es J, gnat.1. au o:i:' .~{oaêt , u nbered 42 to I' ead aD 1 !rho Coun 1; IT ~rha COlì..l1C I; 13il·",Ilf:),Vl -1 J.._ of Humber th,E 100 nrLty o he arnendcd lias .in 1JY ohanging Co of enacts of the c cst of 0:r,' ectlng t-he . . sa let Stal ter Gully B:d.dgo TO)1'nship for an am01J.nt sU.ff 1 cient t o pa.y ~\hi.rt;;'V Por Cont Improvomon Act for t;J-l. o 1 evy O-ç~ .L a special :cato upon the 11;)1 A]fD by·.1EWI \.'HBHEAS Jade the Jppl Counci. 1 (j ation 1 of as provi.deêt tho ~¡;Qwnship j of n Tho IT Malahido :ighwa~l ha.s stalt 0).' Gully, saJ. Per app1ica t:1.on Cent of tho co st of orocting a br :i clge over 1;1 e Bald ò. prov ided the sal ò. Townsh1p pays Thirty !' ,U .ND ViTIJi:HJJiAS t.he County Council of Elgin has appr ovo¢l of tho Stal ter Gully, f j rs and ßoüond eone essions o f ßä5. [1 r.ownship ;;yh1 en. CI'OBse n c, County Road j umber 42 to inclucle tho road between tho t Vi1IEHnAS lmos requested tho Tovmship tJ:1is COlJ.ncl Coune n 1 to ChanGe t of IdalabJ.de he has dosigna.,tion at differen·t of PafJsed 17 tb. Apr n 1922~ To of the Amend By-Law stalter Gully No. 1000 anel Bri dge 8 Provide for tho Ereeti on C' LJ-., B·\T~Lmv No. 1001 2- 2. That In accordance with tho application of the COU11CiJ. of the ~ownship of Malab.:Llle a spociu,l rate he levied. 01'1 BaicL iJ~ovn1.8b.lp ¿LuJ: in.c the' year 192?:., "be raise thl1'ty :-per eentoJ' the cOf.:rL of t'':Le b:c:i.étge to ~be erGctecl V¡hel'e salÖ.road. ~ HurülJer <1;2, CTOßS0S v¡hat Is known as the Stal te;r Gttlly;o :3 '"bat t'1·¡Q 1)y~LawLqko of-oect RY1Ò CO"1e jnto iII:,J.- I _......... J..ì IJc", ..J.... c;._..~~' "'. forco, (a). When the. alrpl.icatj.on of tbo Township of }¡Ialahi de ~ and levy of a special rate J.n E'.oeoTclgnee thCl'Ov¡l, iïb: 1s L1.,pprovecl by tb.e Il1.nister, as. provlded. in Secti.on 26" and (b) . Who.n approvod b;y the I,iolltonant- Governor In Gouneil, Ln ¡JCC01'Ò_ance with Seetion 12 of '],he Highway Improvement .ô.ct. C01Li.1t~S' ,CouncilCham'b0:cu~ r... J. tëh O'1'~ n 17tl1 Ap:c:U. 1 ¡) u ... ~ ;.1.l c,'J':), ~~ 't''';7 ê-. ¿. 'ð~ 0 County G.lerk. Vlarclen. ( .,t, i"i',! l / /y, \1)0 ....~""."./"'" \ ,,, i L\'V'¥ .~ L 01 f---f¡ ONTARIO DEÞARTMENT OF PUBL. CHI~~WAY$ Toronto. July the 19th, 1922. K. W. McKay, Esq., County Clerk of Elgin, St. Thomas, Ont. Dear Sin I have the honour to enclose herewith a copy of an Order-in-Council dated July 12th.. and approving of your County By-law No.lOOI, amending the existing system of County ¡¡oads. Yours. truly, ~ #Z_~ NWIljM.EG. ¡ ;' / .' ~. . IN YOUR RE¥'L. V PUi'ASE A:!õWE~ TO PILS; NO.. .