1006 , ,BY-LAW 1006 ~Q..J..sEiesi¡!,__.:\;È:.!1 Tqæ.13h:!:J?, of Ma1.ahide for. ThirtL- , Per_Ce1?:!..".?f....!h~. Cos.t. of th~_~talter G.u"l~y.Bridge WHEREAS the Counoil of the Tov'lnship of Malahide by By-Law applied under' the provisions of The Highway Improvement Aot for the designa.tion as a County Road of the originalallowanoe for road between the first and second concessions of said Township~'extending from the side-road between Lots 25 and 26 to the side road between Lots 30 and 31, AND WHEREAS said road does not serve all the Townships equally, AND WIŒREAS the sa.id Township Counoil in their said applioation requested the COlmty Cov~oil of Elgin to levy a special rate on said Township suffioient to pay thirty þer cent of the cost of cons truc'bing a bri dge over the ravine known as the Stalter Gully, on said road, AND WHEREAS this Council has by By-Law designated the said road as Cov,nty Ros.d i 42,