1007 r¡ / ./ ¡ ¡ By--Law No loorl AB ··Law for the 1'u:PJose of MakiXJP; S ecil;tl Grants to the Vil1a'es and rrown in the County of El'in .for. the 1m :cove- ment of Cer'01;tÜ1 Hi ,'hwa s within the said Villa :es ancl Town. VrrÅ’HEAS ,una.er The Act to Ai c1 in the Improvement of 1'ublic Highways., H..S.O. 1914, Chapter 40, a County Coundl may, from time to time, ,1hile carrying out a plan of high\'ay improvement under. the saic1 Act, by by-Law malÅ“ granJûs to '\Tillages and towns not separated from the County, for the purpose of improving such highways or portions of highways in SUCll vi.llages ancl t owns as may bedesignatec1. in such by-law, and whieh are extensions of, or form eonnections between, different portions of County roads; AND WHEHEAS, a grant m¡J.de j.n aceorde.nee with the saia_ Act to village or t own having a popula,tion. of more than 1,500 must be expended solely upon roads and streets or portions thereof whieh lieoppoøi.te to land.ø on one s ia_e or the other thereof used for agricultural purposes; AND WHERB:AS the COUl1Cil of 1,he County of RIg in deems it . expea.ient to make grants to the incorporated' villages and town of the COUl1ty, for the y('¡ar 1922, in aC.cordance wi th the terms of th e said Act; ANj') WHEREAS the population of the saia_ vi llages and town accord.ing to the last revised censuS is as follows