By--Law No loorl
AB ··Law for the 1'u:PJose of MakiXJP; S ecil;tl Grants to the
Vil1a'es and rrown in the County of El'in .for. the 1m :cove-
ment of Cer'01;tÜ1 Hi ,'hwa s within the said Villa :es ancl Town.
VrrÅ’HEAS ,una.er The Act to Ai c1 in the Improvement of 1'ublic
Highways., H..S.O. 1914, Chapter 40, a County Coundl may, from
time to time, ,1hile carrying out a plan of high\'ay improvement
under. the saic1 Act, by by-Law malÅ“ granJûs to '\Tillages and towns
not separated from the County, for the purpose of improving such
highways or portions of highways in SUCll vi.llages ancl t owns as
may bedesignatec1. in such by-law, and whieh are extensions of,
or form eonnections between, different portions of County roads;
AND WHEHEAS, a grant m¡J.de j.n aceorde.nee with the saia_ Act to
village or t own having a popula,tion. of more than 1,500 must be
expended solely upon roads and streets or portions thereof whieh
lieoppoøi.te to land.ø on one s ia_e or the other thereof used for
agricultural purposes;
AND WHERB:AS the COUl1Cil of 1,he County of RIg in deems it
expea.ient to make grants to the incorporated' villages and town
of the COUl1ty, for the y('¡ar 1922, in aC.cordance wi th the terms
of th e said Act;
ANj') WHEREAS the population of the saia_ vi llages and town
accord.ing to the last revised censuS is as follows