1012 J3'l-I,AW NO 1012 TO l¡fAKl': GHA:t~~S_..!..~'3CltOOLS"_ frho l~~lgln Oounty C011ncJ.l enacts; 1. ~rhat tho High Schools at Aylmer, Dutton, anél i3t,,'rhomr),f¡ be paid, One Hundred Per 'Cent" oJ the cost of TnClJ.."l'1tGnance of County pupils attenòJng ßo,id. schoolß, an ¿L th.e fö 110wi ng gr,)Xl ts in lien of mIy acld:itional sums the3T may be entitles to by law; '\. r] ""le"' ,\ 1 O¿J Q J: ¿¡~"Jl_ -1, ~ ~... .,,» "'.... a...~"" .':f _ ~ ;.<;.7,. DllttO.n..,..... ~.."." "'...." e.. 1,063 st.. ~[1homas 6 .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. " 0) 1,l50 " ThElt; in aélò,ition to all other amounts to hI .. \vb,ich it 1l18-Y be ont;1.tleÜ. by lavl, the Vie nna High 3c11.001 bo .gra,:o.ted. to.0 sum of ßix Huna.r8à~ Dollars; ':%' rrho,t ßI'Dj),ts to Oon't5..jluat:;j.on and. -:¡rif-th Class Q. SC hools of the County be matle on the baßi.s oJ :j~IVv'O Dol1[1:C~¡ EU'lÒ :8' ifty OOniïf:1 for eEoh (10118,:( gran teel by the ~}overnment, ßß,lêt grants to be in lieu of all r;J,.rnoru.1.tß to Ylhj_eh ßc.ìid. ~;c hools Llazr be entitleå by law. County Oouncil Chambers, st.~'homas December 2.1922. ~~L--~ County Clerk