1015 BY-LA''v NO 1015 TO APPOINT A COUWL'Y ADVIi30BY AGHICUL'rUHAL COUNCIL WHEREAS the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture has invited this Council to appoint an Advisory Agricul t1J.ral Council to co-operate wi th the Agricultural Representative; AND VITiEIƒAS the Council have approved of the suggestion and the appointment of the members of the County Board of Trade to compose said Council; THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ENACTS: l.THA1' tho following be appointed members of the County Advisory Agricultural Council - FOB TWO YEARS J. A. King,....... Aldborough Neil Burton....... Southwold R.B.McConnell .... Malahide Duncan Campbell . . S.Dorchester w. .1P. Smi th ...... Yarmouth J. A. NlcCe.l1um .~~ DunwÌ'c-h. 2. THAT membèrS of said Advisory Council be paid the same as members of this Council for attendance at the two meetings required to be held annually in ~'ebruåry ana. November, aDd 'Ghat they receive their travelling and other expenses for attendance at spe cial or e~ergency meetings called. by the Chairman. County Council Chambers, sj¡j . Thoma s 27 th January 1923 A ~ry .~