BY~LAW NO. 1017
TO illvÅ’ND BY~LAW NO. 827
The Elgin County Council enacts;-
TIUT By-taw # 827 be amended in clause referring to
admission cf paupers by adding the following after
the words "Schedule A".-
The certif:i.cate -~hereon in reference to
the mental and physical condition of pro-
posed inmates to be signed by the Medical
Officer of Health of the Municipality from
whi ch commitment is made, or by the Physician
of the House of Industry. or by some other
Phys ic ian des ignated by him, and that the
]'orm of Commitrœnt be changed accor dingly.
County Council Chambers. St .Thomas 27th January 1923.
/C--~ .~ ,~
County Cìerk