1025 JJ Y.. I, ,á "IV H o. 101Z5. To dcsignate C01.JJ:J.ty Hoad.S in the Villaco of 51)!' ingfiold The County C01llioll of' 'Ghe County of JUgin enaots; 1. That County J:(oad Ho. IJ2bo e;¡ttendOd. into thb V:i.llage of Sl):ringfie1d from the westerly boandÆ\ry o:l~ 'ehe Village east on MIÜn stroet to McIntosh S·troet. 2. That COUYl"t;y' Hoad lIumber 42 00 extend.ed lnto the m),id Village from the 1:1outhorly I1mHs thereof flort;h on Bast (H¡'oet to 'the [,Iichigw'l (Jontx',Ü ri¡:;ht..of..vw.y, fÎ!' !jJha'G Ooull'f;y Hoad ¡;¡umbo;¡,' 49 be extondotì. in'to the .) . ßé\id Vi11afo from the nor·thorly limHs of sMdlTillage south on Wellington r3treet 'GO the north limit of J,ot lio. 1. 4. That By-taw .mo. 1008 be and is heroby re!)Qa¡ed. 001m'~y Oounoil C):¡.EW¡ÌJGrS St. Thomas, Cnt., .Juno 9 1923 ~¿-7 ~ .~ County ClerJ~. War¿len.