1026 County Clerk ß'é-:-~~ '7 Warden. County Ccuncil Chamber St Thomas Ont June 9 1923 . And that 'I;he same be .paid to the County Treasurer at the "lame time, in ·I;he same manner, and subject to the same penaltie, for non-payment as applies in respect to the non-payment of county rates. That the sum of $5342.70 be and is hereby levied as a special rate upon the Township of Malahide, for paying thirty per cent. of the cost of constructing the said, Stalter Gulley Bridge, said amount to be levied and collected in like manner and at the same time as the county rates for the current year are levied and collected ~'he County Council of the County And whereas the cost of the said, bridge hM1 been ascertai to be ~ß51082.28. being i~17809.00 in excess of the estimated costi¡ß33273.00 stated in By-l.ê1W No. 1006 being a by-law to assess the Township of Malahide for 30 per cent. of the cost of saicl bridge and whereas it is desirable to assess the said ~:ownship for~'hirty per cent of the amount of cost in excess of the estimated cost. of Elgin enacts And whereas the application of the said îownship and the said by-law designating the said road have been approved in accordance with the provisions of The Highway Improvement Act sa10. And whereas this Council has by by-law designated the road as 'Coiî;ntÿ, RoadHo. 42 And whereas the said Township Council, in their said application, requested the County Council of Elgin to levy a special rate on said TownshirJ sufficient to pay thirty per cent. of the cost of constructing a bridge over the ravine known as the Stalter Gulley, on said road And equally: the Townships whereas said road does not serve Whereas the Council of' the Township of IvIalahide, by by-law, applied uncler the :provisions of the Highway Improve- ment Act for the designation as a county road of the original allowance for road between the first ano. second concessions of said Township, extending from the side road between lots 25 and 26 to tl'1e side road between lots 30 and 31 all 1.10 '" c'n'1:1Q c' .h.¡;)0J2.IJ!.) 1.1H.8 i1.LC;'}lJSHIl? O} OiP f.rEE COST 01P jvIALAIUDJ~ Ji'OH ~\BE STALCLil:1H 'l'HlRTY Fbd CENT GULLEY BRIDGJ!). B Y L A Vi No 1026 , NIi I,'"'l"{ au" LY ßU])('1!' p:J.:~', J. -IJ,¡. j..¡' . .l ' ~. ,J'" C lâ.b.sé .. 3 Itøport bounty Hoads Oormnittø(J ad.oþted ',: ..i".,.", ;';"'~:, )'/ ":."': '.'; tìtJune Sesoioh of lUg in Oounty Oow1ci¡. J!'üun¿tì;t"t!ons and Steel wox'konthj,¥1 stru(j't,¡ro he.viiI been oompleted We e~þoot tho contractor tohe.ve the coment floor nnished by Ju.ly 15th. and the b:¡'idge opehod for traffic. EX,PJ!}l~JD.l~rD1:11~ "DU:HIHG- -YEAHS :1922..1913:3 Cord;ract. . ;'~',',,,,,""'~<f:." ,".e.. !.. If'..'~'~':¡~ 19,759.."'6 ]~x·tras (~:a:eG:1.:t.n(latj.on:"~.,, ~,o",~ II~'.'¿' 2,'191.46 Ccntraat.oþ- '11,<1 ,,,'o..~'.. . ,~ .~' t'L~ .".O.Þ '7, '194..59 l!;x:tras -,(JX1 '±"o.u.~d.a.'tion. ( t... $. ~... :13,072.33 , W-o,t·aJ;..It.. .. . to " ,,4" " ~¡\43, 418.:13 AmouÜt due D.qm:im.ion Bridge Company on 4,180.00 .. superstru.c·ture.. . , . 11 11 ,J. S. Whitcpn'ib O<mstru.ctiou Co. on contre,ct tmfinished.,. '. 3,504:.:15 ... ']Jott.J.l 0stimat0 ·to <1/1'1;0 OX1 Sta11;el' Gully Brillg0 ~~ 51,082.28 / ,,"' "'