1034 By-Law No. 1034 To Authorize the Warden and 1'reasurer to Borrow the Sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars . T.he Elgtn County COUDe il enacts; J.'HAT the Warden and Treasurer be and are hereby author ized to borrow' the surn of Two Hundred and Fifty J.'housand Dollars, as it may be reÇ[1lired, tome e t e:xp endi.tures of the Corpore.tion of Elgin durj.ng 1924, an d give as securi ty t·heref'or, notes of One Thousand or Ten ThouEmnò. Dollars each. ~. County Cou.ncil Chambers, St. '.1:horæ. s January 25th, 1924. --4/--~ ée':"j 12- ~ County Clerk Ward.en.