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:!3'l...IiAWNQ. 1039 , T.Q A~SU:¡¡.x:Eì' OOUN'.e!:B1UDGE8 'i· 1!h~ :!.!UJ:),$.øip~l C¢:rppratl øn of the connty of E:l.dn en!!l.9ta 9I!A'J;' t11$ :f'ol:LØW1t¡g bridges be, ª,t1<1 ~:rf h¢1'$b;V. t¡¡.$f$umed t),$ Oou,U:!iy Br.tdgllil$, ove:t' whif.ih i;ti.Ì/iI OOt1ÏløU vvil:L ht;>vø ø:&:l.Jltl,$1've ju:rlødhtio,h.. V l.. WåJ. 11:$1' :Elri dge, oVer R.tver ~h$J,~$" 2'" ¡.!nga :ßJ;'1dSe, on Co1.Uì'41 Line be1r\'teetL Weøtmbr¡,r(¡er Ð.¥Jd SouthwØ1d. 3. Otter Ore~¡:k.J!forth o:t; Aåaøi~¡ ön W<:>wliUxtt be tWèøn :Bä:rhØ'¡¡¡ an d M1ddJ..atM. 4. Otter O:r0øk, near Eden, on T¢wnline between :aayh~ and :Houghton. 5. L1tt;l,øOt~r¡ OJrJ, T()wnlj,JrJ,~ þetw;ean J3äyhø.tn and E:O'üghtól'h 6. Lyx¡.Þ.u:rí1lt. bet;weønSt. !l)h()ÏIe.$ í'J.nd 'l~:rroou tb.. 7. 13:1:';oh 0:11 tattle crøak, 'bøtwøen t4o:rth ~d. $õ1]:f¡b. :l>o:/,""" cheater. 6. ~'leming o:r(;jêk :BridgE! on !røwnJJneMt'W$$nAldborough ánd(Jr:l!Ø:rd. I). Ou:t:vø:rt on L. l}¡¡ J?s. RQa.èI., .tn Ehßtan;LØY. (SeE! v E¡1w . Oha.Dt, 46.1 II> ,,(0 i /':l" , ø¿"i' 'I,,,· . . ,) i.1-"~"It''¿,~~-~ø·t,,>;¡¡ ""~. OO1.1.nty Oóunøil Che,¡nÞer, $1¡.!rhomaa" June 20th, 1924, ßL--4I -~......- ~ , C()U,ht Y Ole rk. Warden.