1043 J3Y-]jAW NO. 10M3 -----,,-- -"~----~-_.~ :[10 IvlAIG~ Gl1:AHTS TO VII,Id\GEß JÚTD CeCWH ~~#,~_~_,,,,,,,,,,,_,,~,.,,,,___,_,.,~,,._",_._,,,,___>o___"_~,,_._..."~.,_~ WIŒIŒAS in The Act to Aid 1.n the Imlirovement of Pub1i.c HighwÐ,Ys i.t is provi ded. tha ta County Council may, f1' om time to time, make grémts to villages anò towns not separated :from the County, for the purpose of improving highways in such villages and. towns as may be desJ.gnated. in such by--law anò whioh are extensions of, or form oonnectJ.ons between, different portions of county road.s; ANDv¡¡UilU!1AS the Council of the County of Elgin deems it expedient to make grants to the J.ncorporated villages and town of the County, fo:e the year 1924, in aOOOl'llanCe with the terms of the saiò. Act; Be it therefore enaoted by thè Conncil of ·bhe Municipal Cor.poration of the County of Ingin as follows; 1. A grant of '!13654 is hereby made to the Town of Aylmer. 2. ß> grant of ~,S14A is hereby maò.e to the Village of ;3;oringf ;i.eld to be expended on Wellington street. 3" A grant of ~i240~3 is hereby made to the Village of J'ort Stanley for the improvement of c orrbinuation of Roaò. Ii 24" 4. A grant of' ~ß14AO is hereby made to the Village of Dutton, for the improvement; of the new Currie Road. 5. A grant; of :fp1016 is hereby made ·t 0 the Village of West Lorne for J.mproverænt of Graham Road South. 6. A grant of ,iS1052 is hereby [fade to the Village of Hoclney for .'., . the improvement of Queen fHreet, from Wlora Street West, be .Lng continuation of Hoad No. 4 J? oC & l~he sai d Grants shall be expended solely upon the highway or portion thereof herein designated. 'l'he work on whieh the said grants shall be expended shall be performe¿l :Ln acoordance wi th the l.ast revised regulati.ons respect- ing highways of the Department of J'ublic Highways of Ontario. Head a third time anò.passecl t hLs 20th day of June 1924. --rcJL ·v<--·v~ _.~~!2/!J~ Y---'C".-- ;- ~--- County Clerk Warden.