1048 //~ o murt;y Olerk ~C<..y ~ Warden ';¡ount;v (:¡Qua¢D. \.J h,ó,¡!¡îHI t' 1:1 . ~~t,~ ·J;h,O¡¡¡¡;¡¡¡¡, ~)Oth ,j¡;).¥lu¡¡¡,ry, 19:æ, ~vtt!1nð.ful0(l at I:'JX)\Ð(};!,a,l or . '- "". O:t:'lt~ :l.l"'lrlj)¡l! it ømerß(lnc~ mQßt;Ln!í~ o~llød by 1; hI!! th~\t they reøe1vø th~:I,¡' t;v"'Y.$ 1. litl.[< loin!.'!. othè;¡: <ìI:II:!)0rlÐøa f(¡r :s,'(lfltl,1.rad to be hoU m¡¡11l1Ülw, \\n J\'ob:rcw,ry ¡ø,nd liovellib¡;¡r " and ua ¡¡¡(¡robert1 ()1~ thi$ OOW10i:!. !\TO,X' Ad,v1aor;ÿ' tl>t'I¡¡¡¡XlJlf),n( ø OQI¡n4il be paid the ~tt t;he two !l\øot,tl1 2. 'J)h¡;¡,t mømb(¡)¡¡:'$ ìJi' aald J ,I" 1døfJI'.lll1(¡), J)unwioh , ·~1 .~$ . ;J¡¡¡lth 1'6\1'111(111 t h DunCÆ:>J: ¡;ømphe11, a,. .Dúrol:u¡¡¡¡'l;e:J:' 3J):cn!:.H~~t .ill:. J_uton , òouthv¡old ,1.:4 , lUng . Al<l1:wrough J¡~or Two Years ( ()'(lnty 1. AIi:vlscry \iJÌ1t1.t the Ag:r 1(fl'l1 '(¡ural íh:ntrw U: !olJ.eWing ìJe îíl.y~ po j,rrted member/;¡ (¡:t' thø '1'h.e '¡¡¡l~~in Q ount;v CQuncil. ent~ctt~ . , :~:<·¡¡.\lO to oemþ() ¡¡'iì t~a1d Oot!.UQU ; ~¡."tl,d. 'thø aþpaintmo);1"1i J\nd who:ro thøúounoj of thG t ¡¡¡omÌ)¡¡:r.t! hravo ap.!)1"OVeçl of thø OQunty :Bofu'ð 0:1: 'the of {iH16¡;e~lt!cn o Qu''loil ·to oo-opel'e, to'" vnlijft th~) Ag1' 1(1u1 tu.:ral l'¡eì~:r$/i Onta U va; ;l,:tr,"l tell -¡¡lj:lS 0 :n1.t'oiJ, 1;(', f;i','ppt)l11t ~ln (, (W1soxy A¡p,' ioul tu:r.ø Ag:r 101l1'!;u:ral Whe:r¡¡a¡¡¡ t,hø Eono):'ahla -¡,J'G Mtn.t at¡¡z· 0'(' hi.t¡¡¡ Of1}'-'!" '"1' "v" ,¡,uJ....-t 111JVISC;,¡ï .~. Q() fJU:¡::Y !I~~-J~A\lI J,00.H ,,., ·)'/"·'''·''1''0''" ,t1U:,L}'","_\t,WM~.Y..t.~;t;t,.,1