1052 A ¡ il)'<) . . . . )-..." <I.. & ci4'" t¡¡..<1I.. Clerk. ~ ûr.o/?:... ...... , Wå;r'den. /)It.. /l"tII"''''(I Read ß third time ¡¡¡,nð.,fiJ:li[J,lly ·pl'ls$éd the 27th day of. Juno ;1.925. 4.. to the That 'twooertified .copies of ·this By...Law shall 'be (;jubmitted ¡,Unif:1ter of Publio Highvmys wi.thin ten days of the pßssi:p.g thç¡reof'. 3. !Chat th,is by...U¡¡'Y;¡ f;!hall no,\< bo¢orr¡e opera;tive llnHl approved by tho T.ieui;enant Governor in Council under the prO'lì'1aions of !Che Highways Improvement Aot. 2. Road Syátem by which they u.re schedu.le. 'l'hattho e;x:istlng (}Q1),nty. RoadsnotineJ.uêlod in. the QOUXl'ty this By-JJaw bQ . i'evo:rted t.o the looal rnuniclpalitiesin . GiJ;up,ted8.m\ a¡;¡:f;u.rther dèscrlped in the acoompanying ).. Th/lt By...:Ll1Wxló. .;1.000 and all ame.\:l<'U,ng:ay-JJ<J.wsrell.1tix.¡.g to tho deSig)1ated mp.ea.ge ofeount;Vl·Of.J.ds .in the Oounty of ,ffilg1ilbe and rtr0 herebY' t1m.endod to ineludo:l.1'J. tho. 001ID t;¡r Road. Gyatem of the OotUlty o:E Elgin.... .... ..the roMs assoi¡:l'o:¡'th in rod. on 'bhe attaohed map, and furthor ¿lescribedin .the aecoITlpt\í1yl11g schodu;1.e. NOW TR1j:r~ElI'Clæ~II¡¡¡. oou¡~cn KLGINEHi),CTS AS }¡1()LLCWS TIlli 011' WlllmBAS for the XI1XL'pOk1e of attalnin¡:; greatere:f:fioienoyat¡.ò.eco¡:J.om;vitl County Road Qx¡;>enditl1,res ünd of üssuring TJJQreacle'1uatemttin'benQ.nceo;f the vario11S h1gh~y¡;¡.ysoOml)r1sil1g the count.}l'RoadS;vstom,it ha,ø ~Qe¡:J. d.eomed expedie¡:J.ttomake oerti'lin alteri'lt1o.na in the system necefijsiiil;\;;,S,ng an a¡¡'justmentpf, miloage of. :¡:,otÛlsincluded thero3,n. TB:E iliuruCII'AJJ CORJi'ORATlONOF CCU}~ '.iT)!' OF M~1) to ropM:!. all proviousby-la.wsor which m,":y bo;t;oun¢} to be ixWonsi¡;¡tont la.w 01' of. !CheRighw~\yImprovem()nt Act. port.ì.ons with tho ofprevloußby-laws provisions of this by- TOA:M:J¡¡¡IIJ) J3Y..I.AW,NO. .1000 ~,nd aU sltbsequent by-laws pertaining County Ro¡¡.¿L System of the County of Elg.ì.n, ;§Y-..I.AW :Th19· 1052 to 'the , ,t. , RM;D NO. 13. 1,10. the'r.ównsh1~p oastørl;v to the W!1eróadMtweenaoncessiona A. of. J)Unwic!1. £:I.'.om the bOWldary of tho Southwo1d town line. and 58.011th of A. V;l.llage PJ; I\U:tton HOAJLJ:!o..12. ~he:t'oa.d in the5J.ownahil? pi Dunwiohbetween lots Q a.nd '1 OOI\1filena:tng at. tho road. betweena.9):lClesaions A.. and I; north of..A, r1.1nni1'l€;northol'1;v to tho Courrl>y botmdary.them1Mle of the main. channel of the· River ';ChamcH3. ROADJ.I!O .10. ':Chi'¡ roa.d betweenaonaeasiona .A.~nd6.1').o:cth of. A. ~ownsh1p of ))Wlwioh, cOt\1l'¡¡0ncing M the Aldboroughtown line,thence ea.st.. 0:1:'11 '1>0 the o:1dCu.rrieRoad. ()n Lot .11,then(H'J s01.1th~easterly on. said CUl'r.'l.e lwad to the boundary of the V:tJ,lage OfI\U:tton. RoÁD l~Q.e. QOIlllJ,el101ríg at BUl'weli IS Gorners .,Road)5!o. )..6 on ~outhwo1d aBd. DWlw1ah Town Line, ~heOld '.fal'bot Roa.d.in~ownah"11of J)un.w,ioh 'throt¡gh OOnQefiHi!lon¡¡¡\}.:I.O..11 i¡q road known-..aßthe '"G1ven Road'! ,in aC'noees1.on 8, thene!') norih..!')aßtorJ.;V on SI;1.'1..d rot.d tot:!'!.e .Ol¡:rr.j.e Hoad 1oetwe.en 1.ote).2 a.nd ).3 in .'1>110 6th oonoo$sion. thonoonortheJ~l¡r aJ.ong ea.idroaå to.the road e:1; tilt¡ Xlo;r.'th. of ooMeasiol1 2. th"'fVJe eaaterJ.;r aJ.ongsa,idroad to the road 'between ¡ota :1.3 and 14, then.oenortherly to the OOl1ntybounð.ar:r. the m:l.ddleofthe main channel of the River 5!hametl, aave and.exoept tho portion :"ithin the V1J.lage of I\U:tton. ROAD l~O. 6. œhe rQüà. betV¡e0nconöes¡;¡ion$ 2 and 3. 5!oV1nahip of .AJ.dboI'ol1~h, cOIMlenc1ng at the ~l1rnlvaJ.Road between ¡ots 8 and 9 :t'~1ng we$terJ.¡r to the Kent ()oun'GY ¡.i!lS andaouth along said coun:tyJ..'l.ne to the Xent Goun'ty ROf;!.d No. 4 C. . lWADUO. 4. Commencing ~I t the Kent County boundary H.ne at the 1ntoraeotion oj' tho road between concesslons 4 and 5 of the ~~ovmßh1p of Orford, -I;he POUXl'!:;y b011nð.a!'y linesQuth to lntorsection of rotld between conces¡¡¡iorls ? and 8. Township of Aldborough. The road between said. con... case,ions 7 and 8. Towlls1xip pf Aldb(¡rough :from the westerly bounda.ry of the Towllßhip '1:;0 the]j'ul'ni'iTalEoad betwee.n lots 6 a.nd "I, !Save and exdiept the por'Hohw1.thi.rl the VUlage of ¡,¡odney. . . ROAD NO. t'S. . æhe]j'l1;rn!v<\l Road, in the Townahip of Al(lÏJórough. cOJll!nofiCl.r:tgut Lake .Erie; theroaçl bOlÕ\'1een 10'1.;136 and 7. in the thlr'l>eenth oOBce.saion. nmlitfir CJQ!l'tl.nuation nortMrly totheGoreCoMessio,n,. and oOJ:r¡¡.inulng nQ+the:¡;'lybetwc;¡~n lo.ts 8. and 9 'to th" rOfld, between c0r'0ess1oœ 2<:\11<1 :'5. tl1,ence easterly on fi"!old road. to the rQad. betweenlo'GS 14 a.nd 15 1n concession 2,. -I>hence northerJ.yonsaid road'!:;9theQounty bOlu;¡dar;y. the middle o:etl1e. main charL.'1elofthe IUV(j:t'Wha.m0fl~ . s/WI') and exc,i3pt 'Ghø port1.on ot 'the ,!¡'llrn1vaJ. H.oad iiJHhinthe V'illtlgèÖf Roa.nay.. lìO,!\.DNO.? C011l!llena~ng a't-tha )~0/1il 1n ~Qwn@h;l.p of .AlðJ.¡qr01;¡,gh be... tween 10ta< 6 e;nd7. '!ihe road between aonoesa.'l.ons 8 and 9 running easterly to the tOW!l .:11.ne batween tho Townshilm of Alrlboro1:!.gh an,d Dunw1ch. thenoe nor'th(i)r1y In sa~a.tow.n l~ne to ther()!Hlbetween conoession A. and con.. oesdon 5 north of'A. in DunwiCh. save 8'11<1 Q:!toep'!i the por'tion dth;i.n the Village of W'eøt rioI'ne.. ROA))Np" 1. The Gr"Üm.m. Hoad, in the ~bwnah11j()f ,â,ldborough COmmE31'I.... 01.11g ..a.. t..t..he.:P..rOViMi.ÕìlR+gh.....,'ayj. .. th.G :1'.'.00.11 b.etween lots 1.8.Ii1.nd. J.~t i.n.thiS tWé;Lfthconaassionjanð. J.tsQontinuatio.n, :t'l1¡mingnQrtherJ.yto ;;ha GQtmty boundary. tl1em~dò),eo:t't1ìema"n ohannel. of,i¡he R.j.ver~h!J,mes. save, and exoept, thø· porHon with1n the V:tJ.lagQ .of West :úorne. ~he follow ihgRoads .are al3s1U!wd as QQt~ntl HoadS\Ulde:r.' -1>11e provißiQna of the· "R1ghW!1Y Improvement Aot"al1d the "Ontø,r1o R3.ghways Act" and amenronents thel'Gto. ~, ..' SCI1EDULI~ REF¡<lRREDTO U BX...LAW NQ. 1052. ..~ -- , COUNTt ROADS AS8U~D. .. . RCì1\J)!~O.~.34. .The Mi. ddle í:'\ ox C.ount;r line iJ:l .X'earof'thol5tiLoòn" o<?ø~Jlon.mownª11.lp òfYarmouth, from the DOl'ohewIJe:¡.' town line. lots l'7 ~\.!1,d .16¡and :p¡~rt of. 15, toeonnaot wlt11. tho Mlddlesex pount;<r Reali. ROAD NO. 53. .\J}h,e:t'oP.d in tho To;yJ1ship Of Ya.rtilouth between lots $a.nð.9,iA conool.'lsions).2and.13 . Theroadb.etween conoessipn$ J.3a.nd 14,lo'ùa9 to 12. The road betweenlotsJ,2and:t3, oonoesslon14, ·to C01lJ:1t;¡rno1lJ:1dary line .andeasterly;p.J,ong sa.id.þo1.lnd,.ry oonneç¡1;;1.n.g with road .nu¡nbe:r:.ed 34,8,n<1 also the road Þo'lJween o()XlcessiollS 13 ø.nd 14, lot 8 to Middleßex Connty Line. . . ¡WAD ])10. 30. commencing at the no:!:'th boundo,¡'y of the City of st. Thomas, BalacllJ.v~~ Stl'EH;1t, i.n Tovl.!:Iship of Yarmouth.:lo'¡¡ 5. ooncession 9, the road in :r.ear of the 9th conoeesion. lots 6. 6.'t" 8. :.t 11p to and j,nc.:t:11èti-ng tho road 'betwoe.I'J. lots 8 ,lnd 9 in the l'D,n.ge south and :first and søcond ra.l1ßes north of the Edgoware R08.d. tl1.6 lOth and 111;h concess- ions. X¡QJ¡.:p])fO ~2't, . OO!!1moMlr¡g attÌ1éLondon aM ¡ort J.nthoViJ,J.ago qf'()'n1o..I:1. t11.e road botwoenconceSJi;\Ìons :3 Ship of 1armol1th.lots4 to 21. inolUß.1ve, S'i¡anley Road ø.nd 4: in:rown- lWAD .NO. 25. Commo!1Qing ú.t the Middlesex County Line. the road .'be·tween the TOWJ:1f:!h5.ps of yal'mou.th and Southwolð. to tho road ip. the :t'eÌ1:r: of oonoession 9 .in y.l1rmou:~h. thence on st. George ¡;¡;troet easterly and. southor1y through lots 1 and 2 .in said oonoeasion û¡ b01lJ:1dury of ¡lity of st. Thomas. .... . 1:\91\JrNO ..?1,.Commenoiug QU lot 2 i.nço.l:1(1eas.1Qn 2. Wovmship of tar¡notrl;1i, at thetep of ~hc . hHl ònthe. TJonð,ol~ an( .i\?órtSi;p,nle~ Roadl ·t~e()ld roadth.rotJ.gh 1.ots :\.(;,]10..;:; to'whor.e ·~he co:rj¡>orutionboundar;y' of JJ(¡r'¡¡3tah'leY(jro~lsos ~'aidl'oad, a.nrlj?QQ.(j. petweon.oonoessions 1 and 2, eç.stcl'J.Y ·t;o;¡:>oadbetwcenlots21 ~mè,22.. l~o. 36. l{OAD.¡~O. 2.e.. All. of':the J~ond.ol1 a.Îl.d:P<:œtStanJ.e~ .1¡:;t11o Towns115.p. (jf. Y$.rmo'!1.'~hand 'IJhe :p.0:rtion.. 0:J: saiclro€,d 'IJh¡;¡rroWnshino:ß SGllthwPlc'j. between yarmouth townlJ.ne ap.(ì 0:1: tho V:tlJ.ãgo of port· $:t;a111ey. road situated. ~1i tuated in ""he bOl1.nd.ti.ry HOAJ)L'!Q. 20~ OO!!J.TJl0nQlng at the.rigl'!'Ú. of way of tho Michigan Oc.!'J.'Ú¡:åJ.l~a.i.l1¡~a;¡r in theJV1l1age of Shedden,thø. :t'oad betweon lpts15 .Md ::l6.úOrth o:E ~a.J.'!)otr.¡oad Jlorth,. in tl'!e .~ownsh;\.1! of Sou.thwol.t'l., running ¡;!outha:rly th;;:oughtho Vi1;J.age of JHnga.l, aM . ¡lw Uì)J.()nRoI.H\.'ûo thf.1l . \1';1.P!'l,gC<H1ni '1m o;r: J'ortStf1,I'llpy anda1.o.p.g. th" . bQundary line b.etween 1?o;¡;>tStl1n:J,¡;¡y I;uld SOl1thwold 'IJo Cal'lûwRoM., and. Owr.low street in aaid Vill¡;\getQ Br.idge Street, . ROAD UO. 19. !l!he Middlesex Oounty Boundary line f:iI:'om rOad be- ,tween tho :f1¡:"iÎ ~).nrl sbQond oonoess;i.ons, Tcwnsh.i.;(! of Delaw(J.:!.'e, west to the road. in the TOV1nøhip of S011thwold. between lots 1 a:1\l 18. thenoe spu therly through oonoeas!onf.i 2, 3. a.nð. ~", and between lots 25 ana, 26 l~ol'th of the Talbot Road lJfo:tth to the Bacj¡; ßtreet. or J?l'ov!noial Righ- waf ~¡o' 90. HOAD NO. J.6. Talbot tho Dunw!oh town line to the Road.!n the. !l)ownsh,ip 01t~r ot ß~.!í1homw¡ . of So'U.thwold. ix'om 11O.i\.D NO.;!.4. !l!ho '~own line Þetween 'the Townships of ;!.)u.nw!oh åMSouthwòla oommeMlng at the Provincial Righway( old :.tOM) and 1'1lJ:1nin.g nOl"thel'J.lto the Count;v bQund.a:rl. the middle of the ¡¡¡¡lin ohannel of tho Rivera!hames. .. "2' ROAD NO. 46. The road and 6, from 1¡he Oxford Coun·ty line 8 to 1?rQvinoial Highway No. 11. in Townshiþof :¡3a.yhanlbetw¢en lots 5 sou'ôh throu.gh o01l0e11íSiOIlI3,. 10.9. f).!:ld ¡WAD NO. 45. 'J:heroad.1.nTownshi.p o~J3¡~yh'L¡¡¡ be·tween ·the 1st and li\nd oOJ."lOessions frorn.theMalahide town :u.no easterly and ~10uthe¡71yto Qhatba,m street in theun:i.noo:cporated Village of )?ol"tBu:r.weJ.l as. ¡~hown .i.nRogisterød )?J.ttn. !~o. 11.2,thenoe.along QhathamSi¡¡'eot to ¡¡ridge Street to.J3.<>b:i.nsonß'lireet, to. Wellington Street and QClstel'ly alpndproposed new r()t),d through oonoeSsionone TOWnEjhip Of Bayham, tU'!.deaßt¡;¡rlyt¡o l~Ql'fQlk county Line. ' . 1~Òad:N9.,44. !x!.thQp.QUQe'i¡'illageo:f l?or'li]3ux'well, in the Townßh1pp:fBfJ,Yl'tf.UGi ... frot¡).. 'f¡ho+n:L 0:¡:-ßecj'tionof W(; :¡'l~ngtonanð. ]1¡-1U6· st:¡:-eete aaahownin Eagisif¡e:r,edPlanNo. 112,J!1:1.'!US¡¡¡traetillnortherlyandaast;.. ar:¡'yd.iraation tQthe northern.nounclary Qf' the >11Ie.;l.4 V1.11~'ge Whe1?e j,t (J0rmeats with theol,'t y¡lank rOI;¡.dru:Oning .I'WJ;>·ther;L¡<lanò. n()r·~h"Ga~,terly .through srtj.d.ToWnflhip t,QtÞ.etownliœ h(- 't;vmen:ßayho.!ïl ~:¡,nd I;¡:tµc11eton. (þ.(la,oia) irwludi.ng the .portion w:tthr'the nllage of. V'iennä. ¡WAD i~O. 42. oonQessionl!l luÌ¡),nd 2, lots !ëhe road 11 to Z;6. in ROAD rm.40. CQm!!\e.ncing at the~1ewYol'kaentral nailwaY:i.'ight otway in the V111aga 0:1: Spring£.!.eJ.d, south on )Ola,st Street and th..e road in.the townShi¡? .o;f!~!E>bhlde running sO\ltherl;y1noonaessiOnli\ 9. a, 7, ",n4Ì 6hetween 1,01;(:1. ¿Qand 2l to.. the J?rovinoial Highway. the!Cownshipo:f Malahid.e be"'Gween . ..J!WAD :N.o .39 .C:ommøl'l0iµga:b thenortb;erly hotl¡::¡óary 9£ :OO:t'ohe<1~ t.erSou1;l1. tJ1.0roa,1.betwe¡¡¡nlotf! l2~Htc11a 9f. .8$,iÇì~oVJnEl~lj.p2!'Hl lta .con..; ti.l'ltl"'.'Giónb,~tween<lots 10 and lloÎ.the Townsh:!:p. ofI\if:tJ.ßl1j,ð.eto thelloa.d 1:Je.tween .ooncesi3ionß land};?' {C<?peni:(àgenì ßhil sO~1.th-ÞO the roml 'Þhs:t r1JAS wesrbe:rlythroughlotß 6.. 'I, a.9.and IP, thencesowlih~Ù()ngtheroad th:¡jougblot .5 'bo the )J¡:\1,e Hoad.thûnwos'¡¡ through J.otsl,- 2. 3.. ',J"..",x.\d 5 .tothe~l:Irmou.th town Unøa¡;lG. inclu.ding I'l$.ter str13e·/¡through theuninoor..; ppl'at;ed Yill/:i.[:jG ():f Port .Bruce to ljuj'() .l~:de ,. f,w.veanrl oxcoþt thÐ,t portion· withln the Town of Aylmel'. . Dayharo, of the R,Ol.p J:4O. ~78. ~ålbcd; Eov,dln theTowns\'l'~p of. X,iQ.lah!deand .:£'1'011\ -the l'rov:i.nc;i,¡'Ü H.\.ghw_'y;i.n .M8.1ah1.dQ to the G4stQrly boundary TCiWX1Ship .of Bl1yh~'!!I' . :ROAD .NO. 36. Commenc,ing; ät the Malahide town line, 'Ghe J,~ke Boad·in Township Of Yarmouth,lota 28 to 22. tho road between lots 21 to 22 in oonoessions 2. :'.i, '1:, 5, 6, und its contÜmation, northerly Iknd WGst.. erly through conoGssioJ:'), 7, lots 20 to 21, to the road DGtween ØOll<H,H¡¡s1ona '1 anõ, 8, lots 19 and 20, to <lnlt along road þ,etween lots 18 f1nd :);9 :l.n oonoession 8. JWAD 1~0. 35. OO!!U1lenoing at New Sa.rwn on Ta.lbot Road, in Township of Ya.rmou;\;h, lot 21, the road running northerly thr.ough 00.1'1- oession 9~ R. 1;>.1\1. R., :first a.nd seoond :rfJ,nges N. E. R.. OO.l'loGssion 10 and oonoession 11. to the town line between Yarmouth and·South Dorchester. thenoe northerly ,along saió. town line to the Ø01JAty boundary lina be~ tweøn the Townships of North and South Dorohester. .. . '3" ,. "4" ROAD NO. 4'1. Oo¡¡;¡moncing at the town line "between btcrth and South Dorchoater. the road in the ~~ownship of' Sou'/¡h Døl'ohf;\ ster between lots :3 and. 4. concessions 'i. 8, 9. and 10. , ".... '., ":'. ',':' ,',', '. ........, - " ';' ' .:;,' ",:,' ,-,-,::" - ....:: ROAD ¡qO. 48. The road in·the Township of South Dorohe6to:l:.' betweon öonceß¡Ü::;.no 10 c¡,nd 11, lots. 6 'GO A. and "ohe Coimtyo 1inó sou//¡h to Oxford Oounty I\Q<l,d No, 19. ' ":" .,','. ': ,', . ..-.:;::',.',...."', '- ,.;:.: -, .-,' . .. IWAD :tm~ 419.· . The road in tho. Township of South Dorehester botween lots 6 and 'I, ooncessions 11 and. 12, to '/¡he northerly bou.n(1.al'Y of 1;he Village ()f Bpring;f.'ie1d, and sou.th on Wellingtop. street in !3~Üd Villl1ge 'b<' xwrth limit; 0:); lot numb,erect one. HOAl) He., 53". Tho r01J.d in the !])ovm¡;¡hlD 0:);' 30ut;11. Dorch('}ster between CO!loøssiona \) f~ml J.G, lots 13 to. 24. '¡¡he Yarmouth t('W!l lino. : -,', " ",. ",:" ....... '......, HQJ~:D NO. 52. The town ].in" between the Tov;nships of ,Mala" hide ~\nà. Sou:th DOJ.'ohestor. from th!i! :I:os,a between lots lOI.1nd 11, oon- Ms$ion 9, M!:',lahide anð, Main 8t1'00t in 'the VilJ.ago of Springfj"oltl. to r.~Q¡ntok\h ßtreot. ¡lOADS TITAT ;~}'V"':¡!I) TO ï'Oi'lliGHnS. ......:.....:1 J.:.J.... -- The following roads designated in Bý-Lm1 No. 1000 aro reverted to the v,:.;.rlou.s tovms1J.ips in which they !..ro 6i tuated. 'viz;- " .' .' .' ..',".: .. '" ",., l'Zoad.s nmnbered 1 (The Graham I'(oad frOm Lalre Erie to provinoial Iiigb.way);"5-'l-8(COlmnenoing in 1;h(.) road between the 9th and 10th. concess- ions of the ~Cowr,ship of DID1.wich at linc 'between lots 8 anfJ 9 1;110 La.ke RO!J,d cllstoI'ly Ð,no sou.therlyo through lots 9 ~~nd 10 thence northerly i;he :r.oall botW0éJ:l 10 ünd 11 to the Given or Old ~e.lbot Road in conoession 9). 9~11-15_18_21_22_28_29_31_32_3'ì'_40(The portion from S. F.:. Corner Lo°/¡ 20 Con. '7. Ma1ahlde, Westerly and Sou'therly to '.cow!'). of Aylmcr)-4J.-43-48(lots 12 1;0 6 ino1v.Sj,1l6) -50..53. , QøI!\!!lElnci.r¡.g $,.t .å!....p<>i:t1ti:t1t1'1~ F.'.a~~eZ;~ylimit9:f'V;liicti¡¡¡r:JLa. ~tPeet .ø.I3¡;J1'1.ø~<>)'lp;t.ø.µnUl1l1?al" 3!J,,~ti1;s:l.1'1teraeati.o:l' , witll the oent3:'e Unel>t Well:!.ngtonstl"eE1lt,# al3àhOV(fI (?nsa,id. pla.n . .... :Il'umber 30; then(le SQµth J'jJ1.gþ:~y .(~OJ d~grees$.n.d.F()PtY:ë"three(4:31 mir¡,µt.es ~st, (Ast:l:'Qnoi!l:!.(Iø,1)a.19:rts·tlle.oentre11.r¡.e'ot'·weni;;¡,gto:n ß¡,l:.p.filet, ''l',hre(::).a:µr¡.dra<1ø.n~¡¡::l.ght.Y''''\!iIi.:1IfEl¡:!1d f.'9)Jr.i;E)ptÞ.s..feet(3ß6. 4' ) then.. oet.o.'.UQ. Ì'T.. :l.n$a. S:t~(6) dâgvO. 'ecurve to thO R....ight for.1!. dis'f:;ø.naEì\ of },I'QU:l:' ~d.red and Twenty Feet (420'.0"); 'I'henoe S9ut!:l,S:l.~ty...three (I\I;.?) ð.egreEls and Wh:trty~()ne (3;!.).minutøs East, (Ast.rorí :>mt\).~;¡'J tOr ··a..d;lsts,p<H'¡Qf Si~ Hundred, a,nq. 1"Ol"'ty..a1:¡¡; and ¡::fiM te:r'l't.MAÇ64Ø.ø')J thence t'ollQwin.ß a. f)i~ (6) degree <>Ur"e to tb,e 1eff¡t()t' '. a. d:1.$tø.11.Oe. of one ¡-Iundt'ed and seve:nty~eight a.nd O:ne""t.h;1.rd t'f>at (;L7a.:'?~ I )Jthenoe $<:>uth, Seventy..toul" (74)degreea ø.:nd.Th1rtøer¡. (:un m:!.nute$ Ea.$t (.Astrono!!l1o~1). f07:'a dhtø.noe of Three '1'ÞouslMid Eight Htmdredø.nd siJtf¡ya.:nd· one.,.ha.lf teet.. (3$60.5 I). thanos south, sixty..nine (69) dsg7:'ees a.ndTwenty""ø:r¡e(21) minµtes ø.nd 'l'.h:l.rty . (. 30) seoonds ¡¡;a.st,(J\.!Jtl"'onom:toE!.lihJ;l':1.nø '!'houaand Nine nundred $... nd.. FiftY-Seve. n :f'eet(99.l'!l,.r 0". ).J. .th6.noe.... 130.u.... th¡, . ¡:.'orty". nine (.49..) degreE;>s a.nd. ¡t'o:rty~six (46). min. utasand. 'l'.h..:I...rty. ..... ($0) a(l¡eonds Ea.sf., Seven Hundred and ßixFeet (706 t .0") toJ.'t Pldnt in the "11.11 ~md S:tn$Ula.rtlß,ø\¡fu oE)l"'t.a.in .pa.¡t!oeha:rìd'l;t'l1I,otIiL ot 1a.nds andp:t'E1IIn:\,s6S,a¡itu/i1,te, .1Y1.no; ¡¡.nd· 'beiil~ i.n~.heT()wneÞ.ip. 0:1;' :Sa.ybl1l,!n in f¡he OOU!'lty øt I!Jlgin m,nd li'rov:tnøeot'Ont.¡¡¡,rio, bø:!.r¡g 9ømPQsedOt. þa.rts of the following 10ts:1,3,14:, ;p5, 1~, 1'1', 1$, .2aa.nq,24 i1'1 the )í'irstOonoêesiiorr and pots 1i 2, 3, ~,' 5, .6, 7, a,~, a.nd 10, a,s shown· On Registered.p1a.p !1~ber217, the. oentre Une ()f'Whioh ooy be !!lore partiOl.1.1a.r1~) de,$():t'1bed as f'o:tJ.O\vs;... 2. . THAT the .la.nd" !1-Q(ju1J:!ed f9>.,'l' cÆa..:tdroad be a.a shown on Plat'¡ m§,çiø 'by the said. Ja.s. '"A. {Jell, .;,~æohh¡ ¡s;~ã;tlnã1itød1:'1:lé1",êt( :'f mE/.:I:'ked II A" ,. w~iGh is hereby inoorporated with a.nd oode part of th:t.a ¡¡¡y...,1a.w, whioh said la,nd ma.y be betteI' Imown and desoribed as :f'onows*~ . ,.,;, 1. . T~JAT e. highWa.y be eatfl1,bl:1.aMd· andJ,a.id 1ng the Let.ka Shore Roa.d J~atel"ly from wellington the Village ot Port J3u11wall. out·pare,J,1e1¡:¡ Street in ~nEa~o~ t~a mUn1ci~1 ö:t"tha'l'ownfilhiP.o:f' ~yhâ,.ma~ets~"" .. .. AND . WHEREAS the owners and other;'persons. interest~ in the, land required have· Consented in writing to the l,a.ssing of a. by~la.wfor.estab1ishing a.nd 1a.ying outaa.id. h:l:ghway~ Gounoilot thØoJ:>:t'1'o';a;t1on AND WHEREAS å,'·survey and a..ma.p of ); :, hàsbeen ooda by Ja.I1I~A~. Iilall & $01'1 of! the City T.eI.1'1d SUl'Vapor$ whioh add !!lø.p Or 1'1\ll,:n iø heret.9 n1anthe,reof öff~t..Thoraa.a, a,n!1exed. AN ¡) WHEREAS the oQuno:t:!. lilt . the $a,id'.IJowns!1.:1.~b,M pJ?MUl"eda.nø:¡ramine¡t:'I.ot'J,of'·· the routeot.thelandre(1U1:t'ed f0rthepµrpoae ot establishing ø,ndle,ying oµ'!> sa.1dh:i.ghw9.Yt WHOOEAS, it. ·isdae!!le<1.$xpa~U;ant, t~ asi;a.bJ;iaha,;t;ldlIl.Y Qufra, "1'u'b13:o' hi'ghWáy pà.ra,llalihg . "-Be ]íJæJ¡;.E1 Shot'e. ~oa.d Ea.¡:¡tet'ly :f'ro!!l\!ll't:!11i:¡}gton Street in the Villa,ge of Pot't· iUrwell. A 1Bt~Uw '1'0 EJSTABT~ISH AND ¡JAY OUT A Or,!) T~AKE SHORE ROAD IN TaE: TOWNSHIP ,.... .' ~TEW ROAD PARAT,LELING THÈ OF BAYHAM. BY-LAW NO" f8f? . i \ 'i-'l '$-1: -1 ~t. ~e$d ~ fi~st, seøond ~nd third time and passed. in open øounøi~ this ~~ day of Ootober 19$$. Rø<'W'EI ~~/~ GI:tark. S'. 1.'UA\Ir th:l.s'by-:Law rma.l:J.o0!i1a intofo:!"oa ail:1d Mv& effeo1;. f't'omø,n(la.fté:!" the· pass:l.nß therli!of. $t.ving . a width or! !i)a,<)h aiM of the å'bove dEl$Gl"i'bád. o$n1;.1"e l:'Lne a.nd mea.sul"ed. a..t lIight.a.!1l5leS. thereto of Th;l:t'ty- three teet (33'.0") for.the ti:t'st 16QO'.O")a.nd Forty~iM Faat e.nd Six :'Luohea (49' .13") 1'011' t;he :next8oot..O") a.nd 'J.'h:1.rty;;J¡ three teat (53'. 0") for the lø¡at 14..(U.7'.O" h t Weåtarly limit of' theT_S1,ke Roa.¢I.. . diatø..nt One Httnd.:tiøð. a.nd ,*,\1<10 Fee. t. $,ndJ;i'oÜ1" :I..nOhas (102'.4")m. aa..sut'ad. Westerly a.long.. the sa..me f%'om the Etf,sterly H~it of' lot num'l:HJr Twtmty_tout' (24) in the Fir!!t (1/onces$io!1 of thè 'roW'nah:!.p ofEØ,yha.!!I. ~~'" . v , , . COUNTY BRIDGES v o .. l , 'i! ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN AREA ROADS 'i! Passed 27th June, 1925. BY-LAW No Approved by His Honor the Lieut'enant~Governor in Council, 9th September, 1925. Elgin County Highway System 1052 Road 1\10. 1., ~I'he; Graham Road" in the Town,$hip?f I\.lqborough, cOriuhe'ndng!at ,thc, próvinciitl highway; the road betweenlots'lS- ;nid-1D, in;the:twelfth;concessiÖn¡ and, ¡ts co uùatiöÙ,':ninning:'ndi-tHeì{V"to ¡the SiO!1,M Ad rhe'föllowing-roads' are 'assumed 'J~df ,T~heHighwaYlmprovernent and, arrtetidriiei1fs' thereto. as 'county roàds under the 'þ'rovi- Acfal1d'The 0íitÚÎo Highw'aýs Comity"Hoaas· Assumed SCHEDULE REFERRÉb TO IN BY·LAW No. J052 K. W.McKA Y, County ,Clerk. W. M. 1925. AN;DERSqN, Warden. 4. That Mìnistér Read' a third two, certified copies óf' Public, 'Highways ime' and finally pas~ed of this within shaH of the the 27th day' of By-Law ei1days' JÜlie', c pašsit?g to -thereoJ. the ::'. That :this,,:Bý-Law shall Üot become operative,u,nt the Lieutenant-Gqvernor in Coullcilundcr the provision's wåys';I111pròveméhi Act. s,ub.n~itted ,.",'---, approYêa:.,by 9f Thd ,13:igh~ 2. That systènl'bY'this bY'-Î<im they are situated and the exiE lng county roads, not '" be -reverted' to the local as further' described in the nc1uc1ed in thé, county road mu,nÎcipallties,' id:',\vhich accomÓ"l1lyil~g scheClh'tê. 1. That ByCLaw ] the, ,d~1?ignated,;mileage at:e, hereby amençled to. iu\ of Elgin,the.roa,ds .as set·f described in the, ,acco111:panying 1000 and all amending By-La\vs r.~lating to of county roads in the ,County oL"Elgi't;",be:alld ~ll1de in the county road system of. the,;County orth in red, on the attached map, and, ftirth'er. schedule. therefo're'" the Elgin:enacts vVI~ereas f~r the purpose of atta1l1ing, greater effi~icncy and_ eCQnomy nc'Ö~ntYJo~d'expenditul~esand of assurmg more adcq~1ate,p1~;~lltc'l:ancc of th:e'v~riou,s highvvays, 'comprising the county road systen1~ it:h~:s b~cn de'er:nedexpccÜel1t to 111ak~ certain alterations in th~systcm necc'ssitat1l1g an adjustmént' of mileage of roads included therein. ., Now County of Council of as follows the M unitipál Corporation of the ,1\l¡~torH?cal aU whicl\m<l}l"::be:founcl to be L'aw 'or' óf The Highway Improve11!cnt orportíons ofprcvio,n~, :By,.)~a\'vs with the provisions o'fthis ,Ey- Act. previous By-Laws ncollsistent To Amend':.ßY"Law No. 1,000 and· <ill Subsequent-By-LawsPertâïrìing to:the'CountyRoad:System,of the County'Of Elgin BY-LAW No. 1052 county boundaJ:;'Y, the middle of the main channel of the River Thames, save and except the portion l,yithin the Vil~hge of vVest Lome. A, running northerly to the 'county bouildary, the middle of the main channel of the River Thames Road No. 2. ~ Commencing at the road in the Tovmship of Ald- borough between lots 6 and 7, the road beiìveen. concessions 8 and 9 running easterly to the tmvn line beiìveen the Tovmships of Aldborough and Dumvich, thence northerly in said tovm line to the roadbet~een concession A. and concession 5 north of A. in DUlHvich, Soave and except the portion within the ViJIage of\VesfLorne, / Road No. 13. The road between concessions A. and 5 south of A, in the Township of Dumvich, from-the boundary of the Village of Dut- ton easterly to the Southl,vold to"\vn line: Road No.3. The Furnival Road, in the Tmvnship of Aldborough, commencing at Lake Erie, the road between lots 6 and 7 in the thirteenth conce"ssion, and its continuation northerly to. the Gore Concession, and continuing northerIy between lots 8 and 9 to the road between conces:- sions 2 and 3, thence easterly on said road to the road bebveen lots 14 and 15 in concession 2, thence northerly on said road to the county houndary" the middle of the main channel of the River Thames, save and except the portion of the Furnival Road ,vithin the Village of Rodney. 1" Road No. 14; The to\\'I1' lil1e béhveen-the Townships of Dunw1cl} and Southwold, commencing at the provincial highway (old lona) and running northerly to the county boundary, the ~niddlc of the IJ1ain channel of the River Thàmes. I Road No. 16. Talbot Road, in the Township of Southwold, from the Dmnvich town line to the City of St. Thomas. Road No. 19. The Middlesex County boundary line fro111 road I, ~ , hveen the first and second concessions, Tmvnship of Delaware, west tG the road in the TO'í<ynship of South,yold between lots 1 and 18, thence' southe~ly through concessions 2, 3, and 4, àúd beÍ\veen lots 25 and 26 north of the Talbot Road North to the Back street, or proviùcial high- way No. go. .. Road No. 20. Commencing at the right of way of the Michigan Central Railway in the Village of Shedden, the road behveen 1.ots 15 and 16 north of Talbot RoadN orth,. in the To\vnship of Southwold, running southerly through the Village of Fingal, and the Union Road to the village limits of Port Stal11ey and along the boUndary line between Port Stanley and Southvwld to Carlow Road, and Carlow Street in said village to Bridge Street. Road No. 23. All of the London and Port Stanley road situated in the Township of Yarmouth and the portion of said road situated in the Township of Southwold between Yarmouth town line and the boundary of the Village of Port Stanley. Road No. 24. Commencing on lot 2 in concession 2, Township of easterly to road bet~Teen lots 21 and 22, No. 36. ~ Yarmou-th, at the top of the hill 011 the London and Port Stanley Road, the old 1;"oad through lots 1 and 2 to where the corporation boundary of Port Stanley crosses said road. and road between c~ncessions ~ and 2, Road No. 25. Commencing at the -Middlesex County line, the road between the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold to the road 1n tÌ',~ rear of concession 9 in Yarmouth, thence 01) ,St. George Street easterly and southerly through lots 1 and zin said concession to boundary of City of St. Thomas. Road No. 27. Commencing at the London and, Port Stanley Ro:"!.<:1 in the Village of Union, the road between concessions 3 and 4 iil Town:" ship of Yarmouth, lots 4 tp 21, inclusive: - , Road No.4. Commencing at the Kent County boundary line at the intersection of the road between concessions 4 and 5 of the Township of Orford, the county boundary line south to intersection of road between concessions 7 and S, Township- of Aldborough. The road betwéen said concessions 7 and 8, To,vnship of Aldborough, from the "\vesterly bound- ary of the township to the Furnival Road ,between lots 6 and 7, save and except the portion -within the Village of Rodney. Road No.6. The road between concessions 2 and 3, Township of A.ldborough,collfmencing at the Furnival Road between lots 8 and 9 running westerly to the Kent County line and south along said count;~ line to the Kent County Road No.4 C. Road No.8. Commencing at Burwell's Corners, Road-No.. 16 on South,ovold and Dunwich to\vn line, the old Talbot Road in Township of Dunwich through concessions 9, 10, 11, to road knovm as the "Given Road" in coi1cession 8, thence north-easterly on said road to the Currie Road between lots 12 and 13 in 'the 8th concession, thence northerly along said road to the road at the north of concession 1, thence easterly along said road to. the road between lots 13 and 14, thence northerly to the county "boundary, the middle of "the main channel of the River Thames, save and except the portion. within the Village of Dutton. Road No. 10. The road between concessions A. and 5 north of A., To\vnship of Dunwich, commencing at the Aldborough town line, thence easterly to the old Currie Road on lot 11, thence south-easterly on said Currie Road to the boundary of the Village of Dutton'. Road No. 12. The road in the Township of Di.t1ì.wich between 'lots and 7 commencing ,at the roadbehveen concessions A. and 5 north of ....... .~. ''>' ".- -:R-¢.ad,~No:.::3()~ Commencing at the north boundary of the~City,of St. Thomas, Balac1ava Street: in Township of Yarniouth, löt -5,.,còncession 9, the road in rear of the 9th cöncession, lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, up to and /intluiHn~Fthe 'road 'bet\veen lots 8 and 9 in the range south'and·:£ìrst and sétond :ràilgesnorth of the Edge-..vare Road, the 10th 'arid 11th. tól1cé:s- sions. ¡ Röad-No.33. The road in the Township of Yarmouth between lots 8':anŒ_:,9; ih c:oncessioilS ~12 and 13" The road between ,concessions 13 and 14;'Jots 9 to 12. The road between lQts 12 and 13,concessio1114,_to county boundary lil~e and easterly along said boundary conriectingwith road numbered 34, and also the road between concessions 13 and 14, lot .1:8; to 'Middlesex County line. Road No, 34. The Middlesex County line in rear ot'the 15th con- ce~sio1i, TÒ~lÙ;hipof'Yarmouth; from 'the Dorc4ester'towli:line¡;jots 17 ã.1ÎèF16,-and part' of 15, to connect with the Middlesex County roa&~ Road No. 35. Commencing at New Sarumon_ 'Talbot ,Rqad,:in Township'of Yarmonth,19t_21, the road runningnortherlythrough:~(m- cession 9, R. S. E. R., first and second ranges N. E. R.J., coµce~sion.-10 and cop cession 11, to the town line between Yarmouth and South Dor- tlliMer, the<nce /rÍortherly :aloug said to¥ln line -to the county ooündary "lil1e" betv..'eeli. -the Tcn:nishipsof North and South Dorchester,' Road-No, 36. COITlmencing attheM~lahide town,Ji[}e,the:_Lalœ Road in Township of _Yarmouth, lots 28 to 22,the road betw,een .lots 21 " ~o 22: in:concessÎóns 2, 3,4, 5, 6, and_ its continuation. n<?rtherly'~nd -westerly thFOugh concession 7, lots 20 to 21, tothe'r?ad: behveen ~ort- cessions 7_ and 8, ,lots 19 and 20, to land along road between-lots 18 - and 19 il1'col1cessioli8. ] ··Road'No. 42; Th~road-in:thjfTownship 9f M¡;¡.lahidebetwe_encon- ,ces-siçm$:T,_and~_2,'-1ots_l-l to·-35. .-, ¥oå~'~,ü:,~,."...;Iti:,the'ÞÓlië~-Vinäge:of POrt BW·~T~ll.'in-,the.Town- ship' of Bayham,''fròni tl:i~:..inte~secti?i1: óf ..W_ellingtor:.a~d. :Eriu·s..Strëets as shown in Registered Plan No. 112, Erius Street in i1õrtherlyãnd east- e,rly, ~irecti~nt(J___the nOE,thérn _~oundary oft~e said \,ill~!še w~eEe it coirnéCtf::*ith-the';ó,I~_plank. r¿ad run~ing-_nortbériy :and_~or.t~-ea·st~r1Y through 'sa'id -Township,·tothe.- town line between -~Bayham 'and Middle- ,ton :(~cacia): .inc1~~ing the portion within. the, ViI1age ofVien~<L_ "·-]:tOad ~o.45. ..,The-roàd-in Tow~ship ofB¡;¡.yham,bdween the:,lst a~d '-2nd -concessions from'- the MaIahide town line easterly and soùth~rly - -té}; Ch~tha111.'S~reet. in .., t~~:- uhincorporated. Vil1a~è:'of Port _ Burirell.as sho~vn . on' Registered PlanN o. 112, thence along Chatham' 'Street' to '. Bridge ,Stre'e('_t~ '.. Robinson,Streét, tÒ:VV eIlington' -Street'ändeasterly àlong·proposed.new road through concession one,-Township of Bayham, ~nd easterlýtò-' N'orfolk ·.CotÍnty: line. Râad No. 46. The road in Township of Bayhambetween lots 5, and 6, froni the Oxford County lil!e south through concessions 10, 9, and S i _to'pr8vinèial.highwa:V No. '11. ' Road No. 47. Commencing at the townline,:between, North and South Dorchester, th,e ro~d in the Township of South Dorchester be- :' twèén 'loÚ' 3 ''-and:4,con'ces-sions-7,'S,'9, an'd"1Û'. Road No. 39. Commen~ing at the northerly boundary of Dorches- ·ter:,Sout1~, the road between lots 12 and 13 of said Township and-its cOl:ttinuation. behveen 10ts'10 and 11.of the Township of . Malahide to the :,roaq; beÜveenconcessions 1 and 2 (Copenhagen) artd'southto the road t,hat runs\\~esterly. through lots 6, 7, 8',9, and 10'. thence south along the . roadthrbugh lots to the Lake Road then west through lots -1,- 2, 3, 4, 'ånd 5'-t6-the':YarrrtÒtjth 'tovm linc' and - inc1udingW ater . Street·· through the 'UÙincorpoÒtcdVillage- Òf Port Bruce to Lake Erie,save andextept that"portion within the Tovm of Áylmer.. Road No. 40. Commencing at the New York Central Railway-right - öf~way'in.the' Village of ' Springfield, south on East Sfreet-and,the road . :in' the Township of :Malahiderunning. southerly in concessions 9,8, .'7. arid 6, between Íots ¡3D a,nd 21 to the provincial highway, ] Road No. 48. The road in the Township of South Dorchester be- Jw,~~~-: (;9~,ce,:;~ion_s~-~º-apd-l1,- lo,ts 6 .t():A:;ß~4Jl1C'_c()~u~ty:Ene-sou_!~; to Oxford-:, ç?u11,~y~C?'<.1çi':N 9:;1::9_; Road-l\lo" 49. The,' road in the- Township. of. South_ porchester bet~~·eq.Jots 6 and.7-,. concessiqns 11 and 12, to thenort1ÍeJ;lybound,~ry of ~ t~e 'Village .of, ,springfield, ,atld: so'uth . on Wellington.. Str:eet in, said ypi~get() 110rt.h limit of lotnumhered'-,one, . - Rdad "N~~ 5:1.. _..T~:e·· road' 'ij¡ . the.. Townš~ip : of': South :D(¡rchester between concessions 9. aj¡d-10, lbts Ù to 24, the -Yarmouth-town line._' ,Road. No., 5~. ..The towµ.li_ll~ i?et~een. theTownships:of ,N1:alahide >and'So'úth Dorchester, from the road between lots 10 andÚ, 'concession ;~ ~,.Malåhidê; å,Qd Mairi'-Strc-e.tiri ·th~· Village o'f' Sprñigfield to MdÚtosh Stteét.- , Roads that Revert to:'Townsþip~ ··'·'Thefol~owing röadsde'signated Î11,Ey-Law ,No. 1000 are reverted to the various townships in which they are;situated"viz':: ~oad:No, 38. Talbot Road in the Townshipof MalahideandBay- ham, from the provincial highway in Malahide'to the easterlybottndary of the Tow:ijship of Bayham. Roads numbered 1 (the Graham Road from Lake Erie to provincial highway); 5-7-8 (commencing in the road between the 9th and 10th concessions of the Tmvnship of Dumvich at line between lots 8 and 9 the Lake Road easterly and southerly through lots ~9 añ'd 10' thence northerly the road bet\veen "10 an_d 11 to the Given or Old 'Talbot Road in concessión 9), 9-11-15-18--21-22-28-29'-31-32-37-40' (the portion from S. E.. corner lot 20, con. 7, Malahide, "iyesterly and southerly to Town of Aylmer), 41-43-48 (lots 12 to 6 inc1ûsive),50-53. , Copy of an Order-in-Councll Approved ,by His Hener the Lieutenant- Governor, Dated the 9th day of September, A. D. 1925 Upon cOl1sideration of the report of the Honorable the Minister of Puhlic Works aild Highways, dated August 31st, 1925, the -Committee öf Council advise thàt in accordance ,with seCtions 12 and 23 ofThè Highway Improvement ACt, R. S. O. 1914, chapter 40, Your Honor mày be pleased to approve cif By-Law No. 1052 of the County of Elgin, wherein the Councilöf the _said County proposes to amend the exist~1)g syste~ of county roads, as approved .by Order-in-Council; by the addic.. tion of roads to the system and the deletion of, roads from the systèm; \vith the exception that pending further investigation approval be with- held from the' following roads;viz.: (a) "That part of County Road No. 20, extending south-easterly \ from the MIchigan Central Railway to the provl11cial highway, within the hamlet of Shedden~" (b) "That part of County Road No. 45 "i,/ithin the unincorporated,' \ Village of Pott Burwell. ! Copy" of an Order-in-Council Approved by His Honor the Lieutenant- Governor, dated the 17th day of November, A. D. 192:5 In further conside~ation of By-La'Y No. 1052 of the County of Elgin, as approved in part by Order-in-Council dated the "9th day of September, 'A. D" 1925, and up-on the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works and Highways, the Committee of Council advIse that approval 'be f.urther extended to that part of County RoadNò.45 within the unincorporated Village of Port Burwell, described as Road No. 45 of schedule annexed to and forming part of thè said by-law, as follows: Road No. 45. The road in Township of Bayham between the 1st and 2nd concessions from the Malahide town Ene easterly and southerly to Chatham Street in the unincorporated Village of Port Burwell as shown in Registered Plan N '0, 112, thence along Chatham Street to Bridge Street, to Robinson Street; to Wellington Street, and easterly along proposed -l)ew road- tl,Jrough cmi'cession 1, Townshiþóf Bayham, and easterly to Norfolk County line. ",'0< ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN AREA ROADS i I i I ¡ No.1 Coùnty Read No. 16. The Fingal Road, from the boundary- of St, Thomas to the intersection of the roadbehveen lots 23 and 24. No.2 County Road No. 23 P. C. The London and Port Stanley Road, in thé Township of Yarmouth, from the Queen's Bridge over Kettle Creek, the corporation boundary ôf the City of St. Tl}omas, southerly to the Village of Port Stanley. No.3 County Road No. 25. St George Street, from boundary of St. Thomas along St. George Street and to"ivn line between Yarmouth and Southwold to road between second range north:.Df Edge-ware Road and tenth concession in Yarmouth. No.. 4 County Read No .30. Éalac1~va Street, from the north bouhdary ...~ of the Çity of St. Thomas through lot 5, concession 9, Yarmouth, the road in tear of the 9th concession, lots 5, 6, 7, 8, the road between lots 8 and 9 to north-\vest corner lot 9, south o-f the Edgeware Road. COUNTY BRIDGES Ceunty County's I Name of Bridge Road No. Where Located Share 1 Bothwe.11 River Thames 27%. 2 Wardsvi11e 3 River Thames 50% I 3 Graham Road 1 River Thames 50% 4 vValker River Thames 50% " T 5 Tait 12 River Thames 50% 6 Willeys 8 River Thames 50-% 7 McIntosh 14 River Thames 50% 8 No.-3 Government Drain Delawa're and South wold 50% 9 No.2 Government Ürain Delaware an-d Southwold 50% 10 No~ 1 Government Drain Westminster and Southwold 50% 11 Lings Westminster alld Southwold 50% 12 Kettle Creek Vl. Belmont 34 Westminster and Sotithwnld 50% 13 Belmont 35 Vi,r estminste'r & S. Dorcheste:r 50% ~ The".bridges..,il1 ahovC'list-'wcre under the control of· the prior, to': ,the, t:!csignatiol,l of County Roads under _ the provisions Highway Improv,ement Act. , Cóuncil of The 14 15. 16 17 18, 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 4':3' 43 44 45 46 47 Culvc-rt, L. & P. S.Road Mapleton- Catfish C¡'eek Turkey'dréek ,South wold South wold and Pû'rt Stanley Yarrnbuth Delaware and Southwold 100% lÒO%. 100% 100% 50% Robbins K-cHIc Talbot Greek St. Finga:l Kaius Brewc.ry Lynlut'fst Bi'å11'ch 'Kett1e Fleming Greek FUlmore Otter Cr ÇP9};:'S ,Obtet" ·One UpP'~'r Qtter,C~eel LClwer. Û;ttex.;Cr,ee Po'rt,Burwel.}"QHcr; Gilitet's Cadish Crl Jamc's'Ìown Catfish k Orwell Catfish Crt Beaver Creek Zavitz, Kettle Grel Shelbourne . Kettle Port Stanley Ketth Catfish Creek KingsmHl 'Catfish ........ ~~K Port Bruce Catfis'h ci'eek Creel~ 35 Dunwich r',·nn" 14 Port Port Stanley Ma:Þahide and S, Dorchester Malahide and Yarmouth Malahide Cree~( Stan.Jey South¥i'old Ya'rilloÙt'h and Malahide YarmoutllJ.. arid South wold 45 Ya'rmoUlth Ya'rmouth Vienna ,Vienna PÛ'~t Burwell Bai}'í'ham 'Bayham 'Ge'ot'gc si 23 23 25 6 Little Otter Q~ee~s ' Name of Bridge Kettle Cr'eekE.Belmon Çatfish' Oreek..,\ Otte'r Cree,k N;,ofAca.cia Otter Oreek near Eden Qtter Cre.ek N.' 'atl,d' S,Dorthester Aldbnröhgh'and/Orfij,rd' ~hJahide and D.ëtenam Bayham, and 'Middleton B.~:y;ham and Houghton B"qyhall! a-nd',Mi,d4lçt~:~ B,~yhatp :a;lcl "HOig4t~11 St,' Thomas and Yarmouth si:. T'1~~~~s_: f\n'~ Y ~rmo~th S1. TI¡o~as' and Southwold St.: 'Thomas and Southwold St: 'Thômas an'd'Virn-{ou±h St. Thomas; aha YarmoÙth' 50% 50% 50% 50% 59% 50,% 50% 5"0% 50% 500/, 50% 100% .100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 1(>0% 1000/0 100% 100% 100% County', Road No, Where Located N.::an-d S. Dorchester .50% , 50% County's Share 50% ." ONTARIO ,,;.;-,~.,<.,....> DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS Toronto, ~ecember 2nd 1925 K. VI McKay; Esq., Oounty Olerk of Elgin, Oourt House, St. Thoma.s, On t. Dear Sir: Res Oounty Road System We are enclosing herewi.th a copy of an Ord~r-in-Oouncil dated the 17th day of November, 1925; approvingînpart,)óf by-law No. 1052 of the Oounty of Elgin, and more particularly to that part of Oounty Road No. 45 wi thin the unincorporated Village of Port Burwell. This will now approve of by-law No. 1052 with the exception of that short piece of road north in the village of Shedden. Yours truly, «. C ~~ --" ... ENOL. OIlIEF ENGINEER OF MUNIOIPAL ROADS ROM: LA vh"þ'/ (~1.~. A ri)'ll}/Qu.t ~:W~ 1,1,¡m1'!ð U~ , (fê~1IUt¡¡¡i1" " .. .~~.~¡ :{)ii\11 $.£1 'j;çj\¡ '¡;¡~¡$~,W!' ~t ~~~tøt\'iI~¡¡¡ti. tb, ::t~t f,~I'tMf!C&lìJíd~trl¡¡¡ iJl¡'¢¡!IIthø~ì~~~b14$ '$!~WfJ J"U~~~i!Ultt'ln~ ¡¡¡~ ¡¡¡¡¡'ì;!t.bli1~:¡'~ '1;1'1 . {:!I!&\'t iì~3Jt~~¡¡¡t~.r'~!í¡¡¡ \~!';ÌL1'lI'f";þ1i¡ìí):g$tß(ì "$.41S,j.$~ ~:;¡¡ ßOï"/)~~w,¡;¡l:l ¡Ai)¡ ~¡\¡U'¡¡¡I:'I t¡¡ ¡!$lii(\lt~Jtiíií$. :.ìt;'¡l.i11 ¡h':h :¡,¡¡,~.tki".!'4I,\1¡\ ~~1~;!rtfi! {¡¡~~v~b_ ~~t~f!l~ttì U ~ ~i~~ i~t~l$øt1,,¡;íII ;¡ìwi:l1.l1l¡¡¡¡Ø~l iììtwtJ!\IIh t~¡~lIíl:U~IIJï~ì!)n~¡'j;!l:IlH!,t. l\ìlit\iIi1"'~t~:í:~:l ;¡,¡:t~t¥i!t PIi!@J!l(¡ij\á:I\ÎÌ tl:î1J\\I :t:Oik,( thr~·f$~1 ~<m(!I'¡¡¡\':I1!;)!ij :t. "~~W¡'~~h:tp ~f J,m~~. ~d ,¡¡¡~~ttl:t'1;¡v t~ W¡~t~t~J,:¡¡; OQ1:I, til' ;¡",Uí~,,,, $$Mj !~Uk,.:,rJ!t, Jl.>wt <;it tti$ ~1¡¡ b:¡¡r41'í\\f. ~ £{) ì.lc'<!>'!\! ~ 4$"~!I. ~it \AUJ J~Q!,\j)I ~¡j).. U Of ~1I',?bd\1,1. lí\~t!I~:1iitl1ð to ,j¡I~d ft¡$1:!!Ihl¡¡¡: !Î~"í! ~~ì", 40, Vi'~,u.!tn ¡¡h~1 utH.XI.).>:!:: ,~tt._'1I(,\ð. 'lfU.lf"'~¡¡¡ OJ! ~øt'f; :!iìtì~WI¡i¡;U; tlU4t 1j,$¡.í¡;~"'1o~1 ij(4 t'i~~U~t1I~ er¡¡¡tol!ld0d t6 ~bqt P~!i'lt I(¡f \J( ítUìt1 .,. ..'" ¡~'¡,,,,..~(J \W~l i:fJ1i¡>!;¡ d t1:i.8'kli!$!,1,p . th~ ¡;¡~1 Uï'iJf%I jjt ()¡;¡Uli!~ UMvl,iIfI~ U"t¡)~ ~hi@Tj)'¢III~~¡ìJ:ì1tU1l':1~thiì (íf 1'ìh~1 :!;iotmu:t:lf&blfl th!!t i\i;tf.t.iøtu o:it C~UtJ!IIU ilø;il!/J4 tÏ;\\!I 9'\ih i~:v ¡:!,1iM!'t.fÞm1¡)¡nt e .iI...Iì.. ~.. '.'1' do ¡)' ~~t'f ¡,¡Xt~ of tì'1~ ;Uw ' '~;v ø£ l\11iil:1.. In ft1nll(í$t I\1ttm~1\1!ø;¡rì<,th~ Ii!ìI ~v £'Ä' I1!IV tI\i j¡, 1 D1"'åW ~ ).. ~""'it 1», ~~,ð,¡¡¡¡f ..in.. 1()~~ »J!)V~.!\!. t A.. rJ.. 19~';I).. ~i~¡¡¡ìWt~~tb $:¡'.:I.~tït~J!$~f¡"'G~V$il'j~~. , ~~~J'. (íl ~1k21)¡*,í1.,..t~~(.II)~~U {\\~~,~( ''iI>7 ON'T'ARIO EXECUTIVE .éOUNC1~ OFF(éE: 6.4ì!t (¡¡~ \'~í1í 17tbd~ 011: ¡U~ . . . \ ONTARIO -- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF'FICE Copy of an Order-in-Council approved by His Honour the. Lieu~enant-Governor dated the ;7~ day of September, A.D., 1927. Upon consideration of the report of the Honourable the Mini ster of Public Works and Highways, dated August 25th, 1927, the Committee of Council ad- vise that Your Honour ,may be pleased to extend fùrther approval to that part of County Road No. 20., described as Road No. 20 of schedule annexed to and ~orming part of By-law No, 1052 of thepounty of Elgin, as approved in part by Order-in...Council, dated the 9th day of Sep- tember 1925, as follows:- "TÞ.at part of County Road No. 20, extending ~Soutþ...,easterly from the Michigan Oentral Railroad to the Provincial Highway, within the J:¡.amle t .of Shedden.~' ' ~ Oertified, Clerk, Executive Council. , -~ .';/ ¡;;.? c ".' , " .. f ..,t"'''''.<¢.-'"'''fr;J ¡rt'<.l) <::::___,~......,.",,,,,,~_~",,m ~>..;~o ~ '" . .~ ONTARIO ------- ¡:XECUTlVE COUNCIL OFFICE Copy o;\: an O~d~r"in..Council ap,proved by H:!.S Honom' the Lieutenapt..Governor, dated the 7~Y of September, A.D. 19a5. Upon o(onsideration o:f the report of the Honour... able the Minißter o:ft Pµ~lic Workß and Highways, dat~ Aµgµst 31. 1925. the Committee of Council advise thªt in aa.oordMCe with Søct:!.ons 12 and 23 of the Highway Improve.. mal'lt Act, R.S~O. 1914. Chapter 40, Yom: HOnom: ma;v be pleased to approve of ~y-lawNo. 1052 of the Connt~ of Elgin. Wherein the CounCil of the said County proposes to ame,nd the e:xi¡;¡ting system of County. Roods, as approved by Orde.t'-in-Council. by the addition of roads to the sy!:,rtem and the deJ,eHon of roads fran the system; with the eJlèeption tha.t pending: further invesUgat:i.on approval be withheld from the following roads. viz;- (a.) ('That p$:t't of County Road No. 20. eJltending south" ) . easterly fromtl¡e M:!.~h:!.gan central RaUway to. the . Provincial Highway, wit bin the hamlet of Shedden"... (b) "That part of County Road No. 45 within the un:/.nco :rpo:z'atad Village 0:£ Po:rt Bt¡rwall.." Car t:i.f i ad, Cla-k. Executive Council..