1053 G7 K. COUNTY COUNCIL CHAMBER, St. Thomas, County Clerk W. McKAY, W.M ANDERSON, Warden June 27th., 1925. South Aylmer Bayham Dorchester Municipality Aldborough Dunwich South wold Yarmouth 1.falahic1e 25659 28644 34040 35107 24758 16017 15881 8311 Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna ..... Rodney. West Lome $204602 2395 2305 3270 5454 1627 1134 ~ tit .$ Total Municipality Total SCHEDULE 2. That th,c sum of Two Hundred and. Four Thousand, Six Hundred 'and Two Dollars be ralsed and levied in the ~eYeral MunicIpalities of the County, accordtl1g to the follo>wing Schedule, and that the amounts} as entered there- lll'be paid to the County Treasurer, as by lawJ?;quired 1. That a Municipalities Council rate of Six 11 the County and of the Municipal Corpora tiOl1 Six Tenths mills 011 the Elgin, as above set forth, Dollar be levied on for the year 1925, to all rateable· property in the raise the following amounts several Municipality Aldborough . DUl1\.vich South wold Yarmouth Malahide .... Bayham' .... South Dorchester Aylmer THEREFORE the of of the County of Elgm enacts 1,259,216 5,157,514 5,319,162 3,751,283 2,426,864 2,406,201 z $31,000,374 Vienna Rodney "VVest Lome 362,931 349,197 Springfield 171,755 4,340,052 Dutton Port Stanley 826,353 246,578 .$3,887,759 .$ 495,509 Total Equalized Value MunïcipaHty Total Equalized Value AND WHEREAS the ized in the preceding year AND WHEREAS the assessment of property of the County,as ascertained and equalized 1 1924, is as follows rates Assessment Act, this Council levied in each Municipality apport are required to he ¡oned ,on reqUJred to direct the County' e basis of ,the assessment of property as equal- for WHEREAS an estimate has and Two pollars is required to during the year 1925; AND WHEREAS, by -the County_ purposes shall he is " Raise Amounts for County Ratcn During the Year 1925 been made showing that the sum of Two Hundred and 'be raised in the several Municipalities for the lawful what portion Four Thousand Six Hundre.d purposes of the County of the sum to be levied Tò BY-LAW No. 1053