u ;.¡~
. .
.ì:'Maett 1n
'Rh.\¡¡I ))y...;¡;.$,w I'*h~\ll¡¡(ppll! to the pmrçiJaso øf fowl on the
bOlmdt~:c:r lino oX' high""à;Y 1tej¡>v~l!In }thø <!ount;rof J¡,'1g1n .~
~'d3Q.tnl.ng countlee $nd f;'íha , fO~'oe "'nd take eftoet
f,:¡)'om Ð.nd a:ftel' the. ¡$J o£""'1 0/ /c... .....7/126 J
Counoil th1a
bOO1)t atthersin 0 tl,oX'\!¡1¡¡¡0 pI'Q'V1å3iJd stJiJ{ pø:raCUl Ø()~lt:1:'t1Vet\lM
ar.w !)f th$ p:roviS!¡in8 ()f ~!;hl,;j B;¡r..:t.a,wsh€>ll .:for. ntl(hoffODl3G
on uonvletlon 1¡h$reo;{;' 1)ofoZ'0 one oX' f!lOre Jlli!1t$esß èf the
Pet we in· ~u1d.±'orthe Oountl/of,wlg1thfo1'feH·· âhd.pay
tJ.. flnQ of no'!;J.cøa than ~i5..0Cf;tnd not morø'lrhå1'l ij¡Il)í)"OQ.
sz¡:cltlSii:vc oJ? Goats, fl11d if no'!; pald forthwith..- thß:'same
5h~11 be l~vlßd by d1$t~osa and asJ.s of the gcoda 6nd
o1'1t;¡:!; '~cJ.a o:fthe of£snde:i.~, f.ind in (3$,130 of tho~s bslng nQ
d.l,stl'øaa out of wh1011 the þO!Jalty sli'n be J.s'ViSd. the iJuathc
ma;, CQ~t thfJ of:tel'!dør to 'bhoQOWAOn jsi;ï.ofthGøoMtr
of. ,w;l.glsforø,11Y¡;¡0rlQ.êI. not·ø~()Øø¡,U.~ tv¡~t:,r"Qna .(!.s~
1.11:11<11$ßIIIU0h f1no Mdcof,lts¡.. $.noludlng tihøooat of om¡¡¡:ntttal
íiU'M\ Ooy"voyanos 01' thè of£ønd¢:¡.> to thø 1;$$(.)1.. are ·SOQnl:W
;¡'H~ld. atMl In aid of t'he provlalonaofthis· :ay....~\... Hl$
hereby <lee1¡;¡;:I('E.ld th.!:~t th£ì provl¡¡¡j.on¡¡¡ of ths Gn'/w.rlo ~~r
Oonvlutiou A.rli aoolla~1,I:t.y the;¡,'etQ.
¡<It ¡¡¡'h$:1,l '110 the du.ty cfav&ity 11&:!."s¡:¡n,U(lEuJ,S()dMfll'Jr tb1a
B;V..1aw .1,0 lrO-Ol) a I'eco:t'd of 'l;h..1rpuX'qÌ1asce 1iI.,!ld 9, reJ,IQrt
t.o the high con$<oob:1e c;t' .theMMtywhenove$' requeøtJ!>d to
.doso. .the .:a?e@$f;!; ant~ a<'l.(!roa¡¡¡ee of the pe:raou ;fi>()m whom
the ;foWl :we:re(luroh.~r:;Gd al1.â the kina €\nd nunìber of fowl
so. pu.:r.c!.1asød.'· ..
!J!hiliJ ßy..!.aw ahe,U not t\PP,1iy to Ii!. w}lo16ßtlle or retail mer-
oh¡:m.t (¡ßrl'~.f_ng on buaineas and oo()up~1ng prel.U1Se8 w! thin
'tho Qou.ntl/ £01" tho purposes of auoh bwd.hsa8 nor to h1fj
bona fide aorv'1.nt$ or ßmployoes"
~1J'l.O fea for E¡8,Qh UQ.anIilG j,asued Mder the ,provisions 01'
t1116 ßl/"~¡ a~!I¡\ll riot 0xoec(1 $1.00.
All l10anøøa .f.1381led MtieX'thiaBy..~;1/' aM.U,'bøln ;fo::r(JG
for O,IW Yf!lJw:r t'rolil dßt(¡ of iaßu..à&l1d ~o longe~. &!1d
f;Varl/Uoßþ/ilee und.er thla By..r.aw..(1Jhw.U at aU tSJnGs.
wbl10 9~yl.'!ß on Îl!¡¡¡busin"li1s .have !il$ l1eolW0 wUh !.$.m
$.I1ô. l!ih~ll upon de~ex111'b1t it to *''tljJ po-U~e· offl0oil.'
and It'hofaU-ß i¡¡;;¡ (1.01',10· ahal:3;unloíGl;I the mute 118 tteooUilt..
ed :fQ:t' IJ$a.tisfMtodlN inour e. };IennUr 11.0t lêlil$t}~n $1...00
and J:101; ¡'¡¡Q,).'0 tha1'l !}ï>..OO.
1}\;i.'(U;, WÚl after the .passiJ!1ß of th1a· .B;V..lif!w &t íGÌ1f¡.ll ba
nO(}¡¡¡$sa~ for every po:¡,'sl)n who goas :t"l'{ìm pJ.aGO to þlÐ.oe
or to anr partioulHZ' )}luoe wj;!¡hill'the ô{)1;mty to þl!.;!ohnso
;l;;ow:1 to þJ:'oou:.'ß and o'bt~,in 8. li(\ens~ :for co doing f.<nd
Ð.ny ;pe:r.eion t~O liMnßod sha.11 be ßUbjÐßt '1;1:'1 the p:t'oV1EJiomf
of thiß :ay..;r,aw. and guch liccnfHil whall be !¡¡¡alled w<!.dar
the cO;¡"pOI'~i¡,te seal of the l;iH:r,¡n1,y wid signod· by the
trQuaurar thereof.
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