Jg LAW NO 1057
To consti'Gute vn,e i,)ounty :J}reasurer -¡¡ne suo. i'reasurer
of I;ìcho01 Mon:ie s.
PasSed 29-¡¡h ,January, 1926.
Whereas the ~ownship ~reasurers have in -¡¡he ~s-¡; Deen
SUb. ~reasurers of School monies as pr~vided :in ~ection
93 of -¡¡he Public Schools Ac-¡¡, . and whereas it has been
deemed s.dv:isable -¡¡o constitu1;e -¡¡he County 'J.'reasurer the
sub ',!.'reasurer for l\!lun~cipalities in the County.
~he County Council of the County of Elgin enacts:
That the County rreasurer be and is hereby constituted
the sub :.êreasurer for 1V¡unic~pali tief;! nov separated frQm
the Coun-¡¡ y and -¡¡oot by-law !W. 298 '" 566 and 765 be and
are ne reby r ep eale d.
Council Ohamber, st. Thomas, 29 Jan.uary, 1926.
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GOUh-ty Uler k . War den