B¡ J4Jl No. 1060
To appoint a Boa.rd ot Audit in the County 0 f Elgin
for the tear 1~26.
Passed 2~ January, 1926.
He it enacted by the Council of the Municipal Qorp~
oration of the Qounty of ~lgin:
Too t the Judge of the County Court and Oscar McKenney
are hereby appointed members of the Board of Audit, to
perform the duties required of them by .!i..S.ü., Qhapter
96, 8ection 21.
'.1:hat the Members of the said Hoard be paidtl1e surnof
h'ive Dollars per day for their services,. and :tïve cen"Gs
per mile gOing to and fr om such audit.
County Council Qhambers, S1; ~homas. 29 Januar y, 1~26.
~~~¿7 7r /63, ~77/-0n~
County Vlerk. Warden.