~ ~ No. 1061
To provide :l:or attendance ox- ~ownship Itoad Super intend-
~nts at meetings 0:1: Elgin Munic~pa1 Assoo~at~on, and
ámefid By - Law 741.
Passed 29 January, 1926.
~he Qounty Uounc~l of Elgin enacts:
Too t Hy Law l~o. 741 be amended by adding the words "Township
.l;wad Superintendents" af"ter the wordS "Reeves of Local
lVlunic~pali ti es".
Council Uhambers, St. :éhomas 29 January, 1926.
;?1 ~C"7' 7(, m.j¡~
County ulerk. Ward~n. ¿;