BY LAW l~o. 1064.
To appoin" a High Constable for "he County of Elgin
for the Year 1926.
Passed 29 January, 1926.
Xhe Qoun"y Counoil enao"s:
1. ~hat Hugh ü. üstranieI' be appointeÇl. High l.Jonstabl~
for the Xear 1926, and that he be paid the SQJIl of One
Hundred Dollars per month, which shall include his
travelling and other expenses.
2. ihat John Hopkins be appointed assistan" constable
to the High QonstWble for 1926, at a salary of ~wenty
Dollars per mon"h.
l.Jouncil I.Jh$m·bers, S". ~homas, 29 .I aIluary , 1926.
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Coun"y ülerk. War den. v·