BY-LAW NO. 1065.
To fix pay of Constables for attendance at the
Assizes or Sessions.
Passed 12th, June 1926.
The County Counoil of the County of Elgin enaots;
That every oonstable attending the Assizes or Sessions shall
be paid for each days attendanoe the sum of four dollars.
And where a sittings of said Courts is oontinued after eight
o'olook in the evening an additional allowance not exoeeding
one days pay may be made to any suoh officer upon the cert-
ificate of the presiding Judge.
Th$s By-Law to include payment of Constables attending the
June Sessions, 1926.
Council Chambers, st. Thomas, 12th June, 1926.
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County Clerk. Warden.
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