BY-LAW NO. I066.
To Appoint Inspector Under the Corn Bor er Act
Passed I2th June, I926
Whereas as provlè,ed by The Corn Borer Aot, the County Counoil
of the County of Elgin has been notified by the Provincial
Entomologist to appoj.nt an lnspector for the purpose of
eradicating the corn borer;
The County Councll of the County of Elgin enaots:
That John Allan, of tho Township of Yarmouth, be and is hereby
appointed lnspeotor to perform the duties required of him under
the provisions of The Corn Borer Act.
That whlle engaged in the perfcrmanoe cf his dutles under the
Aot tho ,laid inspeotor shall be paid the sum cf seven dollars per
day, to include travelling and other expenses.
County Counoll Chambers st Thomas June 12th, 1926.
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Ccunty Clerk Warden